泥灘粵拼nai4 taan1英文Mudflat)又叫灘涂潮汐灘,係喺潮間帶形成嘅沿海濕地,泥灘主要由潮汐河流所帶嚟嘅沉積物組成[1]。泥灘廣泛分佈喺海灣瀉湖河口等區域[2]。由於泥灘基本喺潮間帶,所以泥灘每日大約有兩次被淹沒同露出水面。

  1. Murray, N.J.; Phinn, S.R.; DeWitt, M.; Ferrari, R.; Johnston, R.; Lyons, M.B.; Clinton, N.; Thau, D.; Fuller, R.A. (2019), "The global distribution and trajectory of tidal flats", Nature, 565 (7738): 222–225, Bibcode:2019Natur.565..222M, doi:10.1038/s41586-018-0805-8, PMID 30568300/
  2. Swamps and marshes (with thick and deep mud beneath surfaces in hot season) are either freshwater, salty, or brackish.