生物油渣(粵拼:sang1 mat6 jau4 zaa1,Biodiesel),又叫生物柴油,係用未加工過或者用過嘅植物油同埋動物脂肪通過唔同嘅化學反應整出嚟嘅一種環保生物燃料。呢種生物燃料可以好似油渣一樣噉用。
編輯- Benefits of Biodiesel
- European Biodiesel Board website – European Biodiesel Industry.
- Sustainable Biodiesel Alliance
- International Energy Agency: Biofuels for Transport – An International Perspective,歸檔喺互聯網檔案館(歸檔日期 January 4, 2011)
- National Biodiesel Education Program, University of Idaho—unbiased, science-based information on biodiesel for biodiesel producers and distributors, fleet operators, farmers and feedstock producers, policy makers, and consumers.
- Towards Sustainable Production and Use of Resources: Assessing Biofuels by the United Nations Environment Programme, October 2009.
- Biodiesel Articles on eXtension—eXtension (pronounced "E-Extension") is a wiki for extension professors and agents across the United States. The Farm Energy section contains over 30 articles on biodiesel, from the basics to more technical information.
- Biodiesel Safety and Best Management Practices for Small-Scale Noncommercial Use and Production