
拜偶像嘅問題 編輯




因為亞巴郎諸教對雕像嘅忌諱,亞巴郎諸教各教喺歷史上都有出現破壞偶像主義,啲信徒出於宗教目的而走去大規模噉破壞雕像,尤其係異教徒嘅宗教偶像。例如係歐洲喺 16 世紀嗰時搞宗教改革(Reformation),呢場改革涉及對(當時經已存在咗差唔多成 1,000 年嘅)羅馬天主教會嘅不滿,亦引致新教嘅出現,而期間有好多激進嘅信徒都走去破壞羅馬天主教會好興整嘅宗教雕像同浮雕。呢點俾人指搞到歐洲喪失咗好多有歷史價值嘅雕塑作品[5];類似嘅事就算到咗廿一世紀都仲有發生,例如係自從廿世紀尾開始,基督新教開始喺韓國廣傳,有唔少韓國新教徒都唔老嚟韓國嗰啲古老嘅佛教雕像,認為噉係拜偶像,仲出咗多單「新教徒走去放火破壞佛寺同佛教雕像」嘅案[6]

睇埋 編輯

參攷 編輯

  1. Reuven Chaim Klein (2018). God versus Gods: Judaism in the Age of Idolatry. Mosaica Press.
  2. Faur, José; Faur, Jose (1978), "The Biblical Idea of Idolatry", The Jewish Quarterly Review, 69 (1): 1–15.
  3. Do Catholic's Worship Statues? 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期2022年9月30號,..
  4. Kurian, George Thomas; Lamport, Mark A. (10 November 2016). Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. p. 707.
  5. Stark, Rodney (18 December 2007). The Victory of Reason: How Christianity Led to Freedom, Capitalism, and Western Success. Random House Publishing Group. p. 176. The Beeldenstorm, or Iconoclastic Fury, involved roving bands of radical Calvinists who were utterly opposed to all religious images and decorations in churches and who acted on their beliefs by storming into Catholic churches and destroying all artwork and finery."
  6. Wells, Harry L. 2000. "Korean Temple Burnings and Vandalism: The Response of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies." Buddhist-Christian Studies, 20:239–40.