耶穌出世(粵拼:je4 sou1 ceot1 sai3,英文:Nativity of Jesus)係指記載喺《新約聖經》嘅《瑪竇福音》同《路加福音》度有關耶穌出世嘅事。耶穌喺白冷嘅馬槽仔度出世,但係冇確切時間係咩日子。後嚟人為咗紀念耶穌出世,喺12月25號定為聖誕節。
編輯- Icons of the Nativity (mostly Russian)
- Jewish Encyclopedia: Jesus: Legends Concerning His Birth
- Bernard Orchard, The Betrothal and Marriage of Mary to Joseph, Part 1; Part 2
- Review of The Nativity: History and Legend by Geza Vermes, reviewed by Peter Ackroyd in The Times - 2006年12月23號.
- Live Nativity in Spain