食蟹海豹(Lobodon carcinophagus),又叫鋸齒海豹,係一種分布南半球嘅海豹,因為靠鋸齒狀嘅牙齒進食而得名。體毛銀灰色,身長2米,遍布不規則嘅黑斑點,頭部比其他海豹細,口部細長周圍有短同無咁明顯嘅鬍鬚。捕獵時,可以入水深40米位置,維持大概5分鐘時間,雖然掛住「食蟹」個名,但主要糧食係磷蝦。身體成流線型,係海豹之中游水游得最快嘅。
食蟹海豹 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
物種分類 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Lobodon carcinophagus Hombron & Jacquinot, 1842 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
編輯同個名唔同,食蟹海豹唔係以食蟹為主,反而係專食磷蝦(Euphausia superba)嘅動物,佔咗佢餐單嘅九成[2] 呢種高度適應同時證明咗佢哋嘅獵物—磷蝦,擁有極大嘅生物量。[3]食蟹海豹對獵物嘅偏好較少受到季節嘅影響,但目標主要以蝦公或成蝦為主。[2] 另外,佢其他餐單包括魷魚同埋一啲南極魚種。[2] 雖然佢哋嘅食性同其他海豹品種唔同,但呢種專化嘅捕食行為同其他物種有少量嘅競爭關係,好似藍鯨等專化嘅食磷蝦動物咁,近年因為數量減少,影響南方棲息嘅數量,造就海豹增加覓食嘅條件。食蟹海豹呢種專化嘅食性同其他海豹(豹斑海豹、威得爾海豹、露斯海豹)嘅同類食物競爭(Interspecific food competition)影響較細,但同藍鯨(Balaenoptera musculus)、鰮鯨(B. acutorostrata)就存在競爭[2]。
編輯豹斑海豹係食蟹海豹主要嘅天敵。初生嘅食蟹海豹經常畀佢襲擊,因此致死嘅機會極高,可能佔80%,亦有78%幼仔頭一年畀豹斑海豹襲擊嘅經歷[1] Long scars and sets of parallel scars, visible on the otherwise pale and relatively unmarked pelage of crabeaters, are present on nearly all young seals. The incidence of visible scars falls off significantly after the first year, suggesting leopard seals primarily target the young of the year.[5]呢種捕獵壓力直接對食蟹海豹嘅數量同生長歷程造成直接衝擊[2]。
畀殺人鯨(Orcinus orca)捕食嘅確實資料反而好少,可能冇分捕獵海豹嘅年紀[6]曾經有人見到殺人鯨群體捕獵時,會擊打波花將海豹沖出浮冰再加以捕殺嘅情況[7]。
編輯- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Southwell, C. (2008). Lobodon carcinophaga. In: IUCN 2008. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 28 January 2009.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Adam, P.J. (2005). "Lobodon carcinophaga". Mammalian Species. 772: 1–14. doi:10.1644/1545-1410(2005)772[0001:lc]2.0.co;2.
- ↑ Nicol, S., Endo, Y. (1997). Fisheries Technical Paper 367: Krill Fisheries of the World. FAO.
{{cite book}}
: CS1 maint: multiple names: 作者名單 (link) - ↑ Mori, M. & Butterworth, D. (2006). A first step towards modelling the krill-predator dynamics of the Antarctic ecosystem. CCAMLR Science 13, 217-277.
- ↑ Siniff, D.B. and Bengston, J.L. (1977).《食蟹海豹,豹斑海豹及殺人鯨三者關係嘅觀察與假設》一文(Observations and hypotheses concerning the interactions about crabeater seals, leopard seals and killer whales),《哺乳動物學報》(Journal of Mammalogy). 58,414-416.
- ↑ Siniff, D. B. (1991). An overview of the ecology of Antarctic seals. American Zoologist 31:143–149.
- ↑ Smith, T. G., D. B. Siniff, R. Reichle and S. Stone. (1981). Coordinated behavior of killer whales (Orcinus orca) hunting a crabeater seal, Lobodon carcinophagus. Canadian Journal of Zoology 59:1185–1189.
- 豹斑海豹(Hydrurga leptonyx)
- 露斯海豹(Ommatophoca rossii)
- 威德爾海豹(Leptonychotes weddellii)