香港研究》(粵拼hoeng1 gong2 jin4 gau3英文Hong Kong Studies)係一本關於香港學同儕互評、中英雙語出版嘅學術期刊。期刊每半年出版一次,以跨學科領域研究香港嘅文章為主[1]。佢係由香港中文大學出版社出版,中大英文系主編[2][3][4]



  1. "RETI/REAO About Hong Kong studies". Humanities Library - Department of Translation and Interpreting & East Asian Studies. Autonomous University of Barcelona. 原著喺2021-01-16歸檔. 喺2021-01-10搵到.
  2. "[CFP] Hong Kong Studies: A Bilingual Journal". Hong Kong Studies Initiative. University of British Columbia. 喺2021-01-04搵到.
  3. "Resources Guide to Hong Kong Studies". University of Toronto Libraries. 喺2021-01-10搵到.
  4. "Interview: Hong Kong History Project's Vivian Kong on uncovering the city's rich and 'incredibly varied' history". Hong Kong Free Press. 2018-05-27. 喺2021-01-10搵到.
  5. "Hong Kong Studies". The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press. 喺2021-01-04搵到.
  6. [明報] 什麼人訪問什麼人:香港研究 不止研究香港Society for Hong Kong Studies (香港中文)。2019-01-06。原著喺2021-01-16歸檔。喺2021-01-10搵到
  7. 01觀點港研究出版 學術研究須守護社會利益 確立本土價值HK01 (香港中文)。2018-03-22。喺2021-01-10搵到
  8. "No taboo topics, scholars say, as they launch first ever academic journal on Hong Kong". South China Morning Post. 2018-04-08. 喺2021-01-10搵到.