Hávamálhaa1 fou4 mo4》(大致係最高者所講嘅嘢噉解,當中最高者係指緊北歐神話入面嘅眾神之父奧丁)係《Poetic Edda》嘅一部份,畀古代北歐人認為係奧丁講嘅嘢,承載住奧丁嘅智慧。

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首詩有講到奧丁為咗贏取有神力嘅盧恩,而將自己喺吊喺神樹 Yggdrasil 上面,仲用自己支插傷自己[1]

《Hávamál》詩節 139:
I ween that I hung | on the windy tree
Hung there for nights full nine;
With the spear I was wounded, | and offered I was
To Othin, myself to myself,
On the tree that none | may ever know
What root beneath it runs.
大致粵譯:「我記得我係被吊咗 | 喺嗰樖大風嘅樹上,
支矛拮傷我, | 而我被奉獻(做祭品)
喺嗰樖樹上面 | 嗰樖可能永遠冇人知佢啲根伸到去邊嘅樹。」一般認為呢度講緊嗰樖樹係 Yggdrasil [2]

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參考資料 編輯

  1. The Poetic Edda (PDF). translated by Henry Adams Bellows (1936). Princeton, NJ, USA: Princeton University Press.
  2. Simek, Rudolf (2007). Dictionary of Northern Mythology. Translated by Angela Hall. D.S. Brewer. p. 375.