Talk:桑 (搞清楚)

Latest comment: 4 年前 by HenryLi

家下重有人以為「桑」呢家嘢係「白桑」。雖然整蠶嗰啲都係桑樹,但其實嚴格啲嚟講,係一個屬嘅植物,唔信問下啲服裝生產工廠,用嘅係邊種桑?據我所知,佢哋都冇嚴格嘅定義邊種桑屬下植物嘅細節。若果冇共識嘅,學Talk:烏欖噉,一個禮拜後將直接還原搬版。--PQ77wd (傾偈) 2020年4月9號 (四) 07:16 (UTC)回覆

反對。咁現今養蠶唔一定要用桑添,連桑屬都唔係。而桑屬連非洲都有品種添。咁唔係一般意思嘅桑吧。桑屬係借桑為代表衍生出來,而唔係桑屬就係桑喎。要講當然係常見意義啦,即係白桑,有乜理由倒轉?HenryLi (傾偈) 2020年4月9號 (四) 19:22 (UTC)回覆
大把嘢可以證明Morus alba就係養蠶嘅桑。
Collins Dictionary Mulberry. any moraceous tree of the temperate genus Morus, having edible blackberry-like fruit, such as M. alba (white mulberry), the leaves of which are used to feed silkworms

Webster Dictionary white mulberry. an Asiatic mulberry tree (Morus alba) with white to light or dull red fruits that is the favored tree for feeding silkworms and is widespread in cultivation and as an escape
香港植物檢索手冊。漁農自然護理署 香港植物標本室。中國科學院 華南植物園。合編。第四十一頁。嚴格上Morus alba就係桑。屬同品種切莫混淆。HenryLi (傾偈) 2020年4月9號 (四) 19:48 (UTC)回覆
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