
Latest comment: 13 年前 by WikiCantona

香港呢啲討論區有咁多,呢個亦見得係大站,亦見得出名,我覺得唔應該留。大家有乜意見?HenryLi (傾偈) 2011年7月3號 (日) 04:22 (UTC)回覆

When I go to the site, it has no forum but an ad site. Even according to their Alexa rankings, it is very low. I show some noticeable forums in HK here:
I said we wait a few more week, should no additional info such as third sources. We can decide then --WikiCantona (傾偈) 2011年7月3號 (日) 09:09 (UTC)回覆