注意:儲存之後,你可能要兜過你嘅瀏覽器快取至睇到更改。Internet Explorer: 撳住Ctrl掣再撳重新整理掣。 Firefox: 撳住Shift掣再撳重新載入(又或者撳Ctrl-Shift-R)。 Google Chrome同埋Safari用戶就噉撳個重載掣。
// twinkleoptions.js: personal Twinkle preferences file
// NOTE: The easiest way to change your Twinkle preferences is by using the
// Twinkle preferences panel, at [[Wikipedia:Twinkle/喜好設定]].
// This file is AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED.  Any changes you make (aside from
// changing the configuration parameters in a valid-JavaScript way) will be
// overwritten the next time you click "save" in the Twinkle preferences
// panel.  If modifying this file, make sure to use correct JavaScript.
// <nowiki>

window.Twinkle.prefs = {
  "optionsVersion": 2,
  "userTalkPageMode": "window",
  "deliWatchPage": "no",
  "openTalkPage": [],
  "markRevertedPagesAsMinor": [
  "watchRevertedPages": [],
  "xfdWatchPage": "no",
  "xfdWatchDiscussion": "no",
  "xfdWatchUser": "no",
  "xfdWatchRelated": "no"

// </nowiki>
// End of twinkleoptions.js