呢 頁 係 一 個 維_基_百_科 用 户 頁 。
如果您係喺維基百科以外嘅網站睇到呢頁,咁你就係睇梗一個鏡像網站。 |
(Well, but I cannot accept that the very persons take over the whole power to control all human knowledge.)
強烈反對香港食鬼共和國大軍篡改維基百科節外生枝蠱惑人心嘅卑劣行為! |
強烈反對神聖旲豺帝國大軍篡改各大共筆型網站條目節外生枝蠱惑人心等卑劣行為! |
- Narrator: In summer 2007, war was beginning.
- QPF: What happen ?
- Director: Somebody set up us the bomb.
- Security: We get signal.
- QPF: What !
- Security: Main screen turn on.
- QPF: It's you !!
- PRHK: How are you ladies and gentlemen !!
- PRHK: All your pier are belong to us.
- PRHK: You are on the way to destruction.
- QPF: What you say !!
- PRHK: You have no chance to survive make your time.
- PRHK: Ha Ha Ha Ha ....
- Security: QPF!!
- QPF: Strictly monitor the Wikipedia !!
- QPF: You know what you doing.
- QPF: Monitor Wikipedia.
- QPF: For great justice.