交叉滯後模型英文cross-lagged panel model)係結構方程式模型嘅一種,指個結構方程式模型包含兩個變數),兩個變數都喺若干個時間點各有數值-,當中 係指時間點 數值,而 同一道理;個交叉滯後模型會嘗試用 嚟預測(即係有箭咀指住)未來時間點嘅 數值( 有箭咀指住 有箭咀指住 ... 如此類推);喺廿一世紀初,有唔少人覺得交叉滯後模型可以攞嚟理解兩個變數之間嘅因果關係,但呢種見解唔係個個都同意[1][2]


  1. Ellen, Hamaker; Rebecca, Kuiper; Raoul, Grasman (March 2015). "A Critique of the Cross-Lagged Panel Model". Psychological Methods. 20 (1): 102–116.
  2. Mund, Marcus; Nestler, Steffen (September 2019). "Beyond the Cross-Lagged Panel Model: Next-generation statistical tools for analyzing interdependencies across the life course". Advances in Life Course Research. 41: 100249.