博傻理論粵讀:bok3 so4 lei5 leon6;英文greater fool theory)係有關「經濟泡沫點解會形成」嘅一個諗法。

概論 編輯



買一件資產係個價唔合理咁高嘅(做傻仔),再搵另外一個投機買家(搵個更大嘅傻仔;greater fool)以更高嘅價賣咗件資產佢。



批評 編輯

有人指出,呢個理論就噉聽落好似好合理,但到咗 2020 年代初,學界都仲未搵到充足嘅實證證據撐佢。

睇埋 編輯


  1. Zou, X. (2018). Can the greater fool theory explain bubbles? Evidence from China (No. 2018-04). Working Paper.
  2. The Greater Fool Theory: What Is It?. Hartford Funds.
  3. "Oxford Business Review - The Greater Fool Theory". Oxford Business Review. 30 December 2020. Retrieved 7 November 2021,原版英文:"The demand of the asset, and thus its price, is not driven up by the investors' belief that the intrinsic value of that asset has increased, but rather, due to the belief that no matter the price paid for the asset, it can be sold to someone else at a later point in time for a higher price."