阿華爾人粵拼aa3 waa4 ji5 jan4,Pannonian Avars)係古代歐亞大陸嘅一個遊牧民族。佢哋喺6世紀嗰陣搬到歐洲中部同東部。到9世紀初之前,一直統治住潘諾尼亞平原





首都首府 未指定
主要宗教 起初信薩滿教泛靈論, 796年之後信基督教
政體 汗國
 - 成立 567年
 - 畀丕平擊敗 796年
 - 解體 822年之後[1]
  提示:呢篇文講嘅唔係阿華爾人 (高加索)
  1. Carl Waldman & Catherine Mason, 2006, Encyclopedia of European Peoples, Volume 2, New York: Infobase Publishing, p. 769.
  2. Curta, Florin (2004). "The Slavic lingua franca (Linguistic Notes of an Archeologist Turned Historian)" (PDF). East Central Europe/L'Europe du Centre-Est. 31 (1): 132.
  3. Curta, Florin (2004). "The Slavic lingua franca (Linguistic notes of an archaeologist turned historian)". East Central Europe/L'Europe du Centre-Est. 31: 125–148. doi:10.1163/187633004X00134. 喺29 May 2015搵到. By contrast, there is very little evidence that speakers of Slavic had any significant contact with Turkic. As a consequence, and since the latest stratum of loan words in Common Slavic is Iranian in origin, Johanna Nichols英文Johanna Nichols advanced the idea that the Avars spoke an Iranian, not a Turkic language.
  4. Helimski, E (2004). "Die Sprache(n) der Awaren: Die mandschu-tungusische Alternative". Proceedings of the First International Conference on Manchu-Tungus Studies, Vol. II: 59–72.
  5. Fuente, José Andrés Alonso de la. "Tungusic Historical Linguistics and the Buyla (a.k.a. Nagyszentmiklós) Inscription". academia.edu.
  6. Harmatta, János (1995). "Sogdian Inscriptions on Avar Objects". Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientarium Hung. XLVIII (1–2): 61–65. JSTOR 43391205.