高曼環保獎 (Goldman Environmental Prize)係頒畀草根環保人嘅現金獎。 分別畀六個地區: 非洲、亞洲、歐洲、海島同海島國家、北美洲、 中南美洲。獎金係 125000 蚊美金,冇任何附帶條件。係環保獎之中獎金最可觀嘅。
高曼環保獎喺1990年由慈善家理查德.高曼(Richard N. Goldman)同佢過咗身嘅老婆蘿蔕.高曼(Rhoda H. Goldman)創立嘅。理查德高曼喺舊金山搞咗高曼間保險公司。而蘿蔕高曼係牛仔褲公司 Levi Strauss 嘅後人。
侯選人由世界各地環保團體同個人秘密提名,個獎由一個國際評委會選出。得獎人參加為期 10 日喺舊金山同華盛頓嘅交流訪問、頒獎禮、新聞發布會,重會一啲政治、公共政策、金融、環保領袖見面。
編輯- Robert Brown (澳大利亞)
- Lois Gibbs (美國)
- Janet Gibson (伯利茲)
- Harrison Ngau Laing (馬來西亞)
- János Vargha (匈牙利)
- Michael Werikhe (肯尼亞)
編輯- Wangari Muta Maathai (肯尼亞)
- Eha Kern & Roland Tiensuu (瑞典)
- Evaristo Nugkuag (秘魯)
- Yoichi Kuroda (日本)
- Samuel LaBudde (美國)
- Cath Wallace (新西蘭)
編輯- Jeton Anjain (馬紹爾群島)
- Medha Patkar (印度)
- Wadja Egnankou (象牙海岸)
- Christine Jean (法國)
- Colleen McCrory (加拿大)
- Carlos Alberto Ricardo (巴西利亞)
編輯- Margaret Jacobsohn & Garth Owen-Smith (納米比亞)
- Juan Mayr (哥倫比亞)
- 戴晴 (中國)
- John Sinclair (澳大利亞)
- JoAnn Tall (美國)
- Sviatoslav Zabelin (俄羅斯)
編輯- Matthew Coon Come (加拿大)
- Tuenjai Deetes (泰國)
- Laila Iskander Kamel (埃及)
- Luis Macas (厄瓜多爾)
- Heffa Schücking (德國)
- Andrew Simmons (聖文森特和格林納丁斯)
編輯- Aurora Castillo (美國)
- Yul Choi South (韓國)
- Noah Idechong (帕勞)
- Emma Must (英國)
- Ricardo Navarro (薩爾瓦多)
- Ken Saro-Wiwa (尼日利亞)
編輯- Ndyakira Amooti (烏干達)
- Bill Ballantine (新西蘭)
- Edwin Bustillos (墨西哥)
- M.C. Mehta (印度)
- Marina Silva (巴西)
- Albena Simeonova (保加利亞)
編輯- Nick Carter (贊比亞)
- Loir Botor Dingit (印度尼西亞)
- Alexander Nikitin (俄羅斯)
- Juan Pablo Orrego (智利)
- Fuiono Senio & Paul Alan Cox (西薩摩亞)
- Terri Swearingen (美國)
編輯- Anna Giordano (意大利)
- Kory Johnson (美國)
- Berito Kuwaru'wa (哥倫比亞)
- Atherton Martin (米尼加共和國)
- Sven "Bobby" Peek (南非)
- Hirofumi Yamashita (日本)
編輯- Jacqui Katona & Yvonne Margarula (澳大利亞)
- Michal Kravcik (斯洛伐克)
- Bernard Martin (加拿大)
- Samuel Nguiffo (喀麥隆)
- Jorge Varela (洪都拉斯)
- Ka Hsaw Wa (Burma)
編輯- Oral Ataniyazova (烏茲別克斯坦)
- Elias Diaz Peña & Oscar Rivas (巴拉圭)
- Vera Mischenko (俄羅斯)
- Rodolfo Montiel Flores (墨西哥)
- Alexander Peal (利比里亞)
- Nat Quansah (馬達加斯加)
編輯- Jane Akre & Steve Wilson (美國)
- Yosepha Alomang (印度尼西亞)
- Giorgos Catsadorakis & Myrsini Malakou (希臘)
- Oscar Olivera (玻利維亞)
- Eugène Rutagarama (盧旺達)
- Bruno Van Peteghem (新喀裡多尼亞) 2001
編輯- Pisit Charnsnoh (泰國)
- Sarah James & Jonathon Solomon (美國)
- Fatima Jibrell (索馬里)
- Alexis Massol-González (波多黎各)
- Norma Kassi (加拿大)
- Jean La Rose (圭亞那)
- Jadwiga Lopata (波蘭)
編輯- Julia Bonds (美國)
- Pedro Arrojo-Agudo (西班牙)
- Eileen Kampakuta Brown & Eileen Wani Wingfield (澳大利亞)
- Von Hernandez (菲律賓)
- Maria Elena Foronda Farro (秘魯)
- Odigha Odigha (尼日利亞)
編輯Africa: Rudolf Amenga-Etego, 40, Accra, Ghana Visionary public interest lawyer Rudolf Amenga-Etego of Ghana has gained international recognition for suspending a major water privatization project backed by the World Bank. The devastating plan would further impede access to clean drinking water, a crisis linked to high rates of disease in low-income communities. The privatization would also place an especially harsh burden on Ghanaian girls, whose school work suffers because they literally shoulder the responsibility of providing water for their families.
Asia: Rashida Bee, 48, and Champa Devi Shukla, 52, Bhopal, 印度 Despite their poverty and poor health due to toxic gas exposure, Bee and Shukla have emerged as leaders in the international fight to hold Dow Chemical accountable for the infamous 1984 Union Carbide gas leak in Bhopal, India that killed 20,000 and left more than 150,000 seriously injured. (Union Carbide became a wholly owned subsidiary of Dow in 1999.) They organized the first global hunger strike to draw international attention to Dow's deadly legacy and traveled the world to protest at Dow shareholder meetings. Now on the 20th anniversary of the disaster, Bee and Shukla are plaintiffs in a class action suit demanding a clean up of the noxious factory site and damages to cover medical monitoring and costs incurred from years of soil and water contamination.
South and Central America: Libia Grueso, 43, Buenaventura, Colombia In a major victory for the Afro-Colombian civil rights movement, social worker and activist Libia Grueso secured more than 5.9 million acres (24,000 km²) in territorial rights for the country's black rural communities, including those in Colombias lush Pacific rainforest. Years of armed conflict, rapacious development and the narcotics industry have displaced Afro-Colombians and created an ecological catastrophe. Despite life-threatening circumstances, Grueso's brave work passing Law 70, historic legislation that officially grants Afro-Colombians territorial rights on lands they have populated for hundreds of years, gives hope to this environmental justice struggle.
Europe: Manana Kochladze, 32, Tbilisi, Georgia British Petroleum is leading an international consortium, which includes California-based Unocal, for the construction of the $3 billion BTC project that would establish the largest pipeline in the world, crossing through Georgia, a country mired in poverty and political instability since gaining independence from Russia in 1991. For the U.S., the pipeline is a way to tap oil reserves in former Soviet states while bypassing Iran and Russia. But the route would run through a national park and pristine mountain gorge, home to Georgia's commercially prized mineral water and one of the few successful enterprises in Georgia's economy. Kochladze's fearless tenacity in the face of widespread government corruption and multinational industry interests has won critical concessions to protect local villagers and the environment and has forced a thorough examination of the project's environmental and health impact.
Islands and Island Nations: Demetrio do Amaral de Carvalho, 37, Dili, 東帝汶 Demetrio do Amaral de Carvalho is a founding father and environmental hero of East Timor, the world's newest nation. A former resistance leader during the Indonesian occupation, de Carvalho is largely credited for spearheading the progressive inclusion of environmental justice tenets in East Timor's constitution. These principles will play a critical legal and symbolic role in guiding sustainable management of the island's rainforests, coral reefs and vast oil and gas reserves.
North America: Margie Richard, 62, Norco, 路易斯安那州, 美國 this year's North American winner, grew up just 25 feet away from the fence line of a Shell Chemical plant the size of nine American football fields that releases more than 2 million pounds (900 metric tons) of toxic chemicals into the air each year. Four generations of Richard's family have lived in the Old Diamond neighborhood of Norco, Louisiana, located within the area known as "Cancer Alley". High rates of cancer, birth defects and other serious health ailments plague the town's 1,500 predominantly African-American residents.
For more than 13 years, Richard led a community campaign demanding fair and just resettlement costs from Shell for her family and neighbors too impoverished to relocate to a safe area. In 2002, thanks largely to Richard's efforts, Shell agreed to cover relocation costs for Old Diamond's residents: the first community relocation victory of its kind in the Deep South. The multinational giant also agreed to reduce their emissions at the Norco plant by 30 percent.
編輯- Isidro Baldenegro López (墨西哥))
- Kaisha Atakhanova (哈薩克斯坦)
- Chavannes Jean-Baptiste (海地)
- Stephanie Danielle Roth (羅馬尼亞)
- Corneille Ewango (剛果)
- José Andrés Tamayo Cortez
編輯Silas Kpanan’ Siakor, 36, Liberia Siakor along with members of the Sustainable Development Institute (SDI) Liberia and the SAMFU Foundation, Liberia, exposed evidence that Liberia President Charles Taylor used profits of unchecked, rampant logging to pay the costs of a brutal 14-year war. Such evidence—collected at great personal risk to Silas and members of the SDI and SAMFU—led the United Nations Security Council to ban the export of Liberian timber.
余曉剛, 55, China Chinese environmentalist Yu Xiaogang spent years creating groundbreaking watershed management programs while researching and documenting the socioeconomic impact dams had on local Chinese communities. His reports are credited as being a primary reason the central government has paid additional restitution to villagers displaced by existing dams and created new guidelines calling for social impact assessments when planning major developments.
Olya Melen, 26, Ukraine Melen used legal channels to challenge the government’s plan to build a major canal that would have cut through protected wetlands in the Danube Delta, one of the most valuable wetlands in Europe. For her efforts, she came under critical scrutiny by officials in the notoriously corrupt pre-Orange Revolution regime, under which few spoke out against the government for fear of death or being “disappeared.”
Anne Kajir, 32, Papua New Guinea Attorney Anne Kajir uncovered evidence of widespread corruption and complicity in the Papua New Guinea government that allowed rampant, illegal logging that is destroying the largest remaining intact block of tropical forest in the Asia Pacific region In 1997, her first year practicing law, Kajir successfully defended a precedent-setting appeal in the Supreme Court of Papua New Guinea that forced the logging interests to pay damages to indigenous land owners.
Craig E. Williams, 58, Kentucky Williams convinced the Pentagon to stop plans to incinerate decaying caches of chemical weapons stockpiled around the United States, and has built a nationwide grassroots coalition to lobby for safe disposal solutions. Williams co-founded the Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation, which won the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize for its international campaign to ban landmines.
Tarcisio Feitosa da Silva, 35, Brazil Feitosa has led a successful campaign to create a mosaic of protected areas that together with existing indigenous lands make up a 240,000 square kilometer (93,000 mi²) corridor area that is bigger than the state of Minnesota and is the largest area of protected tropical forest in the world. Despite death threats, he has exposed illegal logging activities to the Brazilian government over the past 10 years.
編輯- Sophia Rabliauskas (Manitoba, 加拿大)
- Hammerskjoeld Simwinga (贊比亞)
- Tsetsegee Munkhbayar (蒙古)
- Julio Cusurichi (秘魯)
- Willie Corduff (冰島)
- Orri Vigfússon (冰島)
編輯- 高曼環保獎網站
- Anti-logging activist wins award
- Grist Magazine interviews the winners: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 古德曼環保獎 六人獲殊榮
- 環保金人獎