世界樹sai3 gaai3 syu6英文world tree)係世界多地嘅神話(例如北歐神話)入面有嘅一個概念,指一樖極之巨大、支撐宇宙

北歐神話入面嗰樖神樹 Yggdrasilik1 draa4 siu4

普遍特徵 編輯



  • 大到撐得住個
  • 連接住天堂、人界同陰間
  • 好多時仲具有某啲同生命相關嘅神力,例如係「會滋養一切嘅生靈」呀噉(生命之樹)。

好似北歐神話入面嘅神樹 Yggdrasil 就相傳唔單只支撐世界,仲係眾神每日聚集嘅地方。美洲土著嘅神話入面都有提到「世界樹」嘅概念。

對於「世界樹呢個概念點解周圍都有」呢種現象,有民俗學研究者就噉樣講[2]:p. 69

原版英文:"... the conception of a tree rising through a number of worlds which is found in northern Eurasia and forms part of the shamanic lore shared by many peoples of this region. This seems to be a very ancient conception, perhaps based on the Pole Star, the centre of the heavens, and the image of the central tree in Scandinavia may have been influenced by it."

粵文翻譯:... 一個概念認為有樖樹通過好多個世界噉向上生(世界樹),(呢種諗法)喺歐亞大陸北部可以搵到而且係呢個地區好多族群共享嘅薩滿民俗嘅一環。呢個諗法(指『世界樹』嘅概念)似乎係一個好古老嘅諗頭,可能係基於身為天嘅中心嘅極星,而喺斯堪的納維亞(啲民俗)入面嘅中央樹嘅影像(Yggdrasil)可能係受過佢(呢啲歐亞大陸多地嘅世界樹傳說)影響。

虛構故仔 編輯


類似世界樹噉嘅嘅橋段有出現現代奇幻故仔當中,例子可以睇吓《艾爾登法環》(Elden Ring)裏面講到嘅 erdtreehaligtree

睇埋 編輯

參攷 編輯

  1. Kuperjanov, Andres (2002). "Names in Estonian Folk Astronomy - from 'Bird's Way' to 'Milky Way'". Folklore. 22: 49-61.
  2. Davidson, H. E. (2002). The lost beliefs of Northern Europe. Routledge.