平板支撐英文plank)又叫撐高撐舉棒式撐平板,係一種等長英文isometric exercise核心英文core (anatomy)強度運動,會令身體維持喺一個用力嘅姿勢,同埋要維持相當一段時間。常見嘅平板支撐係前支撐,維持掌上壓嘅姿勢,身體重量由前臂、手肘同腳趾支撐。



根據健力士世界紀錄,平板支撑嘅最耐紀錄係由美國退休老兵佐治·胡特(George Hood)喺2020年達成,長達8小時15分15秒。事實上早喺兩年前,胡特就已喺一場由推動世界紀錄(ASSIST World Records)搞嘅活動到破咗10個鐘10分鐘10秒嘅平板支撐紀錄,但當時並冇健力士世界紀錄嘅認證官在場,所以呢筆紀錄並冇被健力士世界紀錄收錄[7]

參考 編輯

  1. Knack Weight Training for Women: Step-by-Step Exercises for Weight Loss 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期2017年2月18號,., Leah Garcia. pp. 57. quote:"Plank variations are abundant, and small changes increase the intensity of the exercise."
  2. Weight Training for Dummies 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期2017年2月18號,., Liz Neporent, Suzanne Schlosberg, Shirley J. Archer. pp.263.
  3. Core Strength For Dummies, LaReine Chabut. Quote:"It's used in all yoga sun salutations and other poses. It is also a Pilates-based exercise used in many of Joseph Pilates exercises..."
  4. Pocket Guide to Fitness 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期2017年2月18號,. Louiza Patsis. pp.176. quote:"The "plank exercise" is used in Pilates classes."
  5. Kettlebells for Dummies, Sarah Lurie. pp.260. quote:"If you've done other exercises like yoga or Pilates before, you may be familiar with the plank position already."
  6. The Ultimate Fitness Boxing & Kickboxing Workout, Ross O'Donnell, Trafford Publishing, 2005, ISBN 978-1-4120-6451-4
  7. Hauser, Christine (2020-02-27). "He Held a Plank for More Than 8 Hours, Setting a Record". New York Times. 原著喺2020-03-13歸檔. 喺2020-03-15搵到.

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