心智表徵sam1 zi3 biu2 zing1mental representation;呢個英文名意思係「心靈入面嘅代表」噉解)係認知科學神經科學等領域上常用嘅一個概念:喺呢啲領域嘅科學家普遍認為,人類心靈裏面有一啲心智表徵;每一個心智表徵代表咗個心靈處理緊嘅一份訊息[1],可以係代表個心靈對某啲事物或者邏輯關係嘅概念了解。




現時嘅學界認為,心靈會用數碼(digital)同模擬(analog)等嘅多種方式記住唔同嘅心智表徵,前者指一啲精確而且離散(discrete)嘅數值,例如係記住一個日期噉(日期嘅數值唔會有小數點),後者指一啲連續性(continuous)嘅數值,例如係記住某件物件喺某一刻嘅光暗度噉(光暗度嘅數值理論上可以喺小數點後有多個位)。「心靈會用多種方式記住啲心智表徵」嘅諗法係雙重編碼理論(dual-coding theory)嘅基礎[4]




  • Augusto, Luis M. (2013). 'Unconscious Representations 1: Belying the Traditional Model of Human Cognition.' Axiomathes 23.4, 645-663. Preprint
  • Goldman, Alvin I (2014). 'The Bodily Formats Approach to Embodied Cognition.' Current Controversies in Philosophy of Mind. ed. Uriah Kriegel. New York, NY: Routledge, 91-108.
  • Henrich, J. & Boyd, R. (2002). Culture and cognition: Why cultural evolution does not require replication of representations. Culture and Cognition, 2, 87–112. Full text
  • Kind, Amy (2014). 'The Case against Representationalism about Moods.' Current Controversies in Philosophy of Mind. ed. Uriah Kriegel. New York, NY: Routledge, 113-34.
  • Kriegel, Uriah (2014). 'Two Notions of Mental Representation.' Current Controversies in Philosophy of Mind. ed. Uriah Kriegel. New York, NY: Routledge, 161-79.
  • Rupert, Robert D (2014). 'The Sufficiency of Objective Representation.' Current Controversies in Philosophy of Mind. ed. Uriah Kriegel. New York, NY: Routledge, 180-95.
  • Shapiro, Lawrence (2014). 'When Is Cognition Embodied.' Current Controversies in Philosophy of Mind. ed. Uriah Kriegel. New York, NY: Routledge, 73-90.
  1. Mental Representation 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期2019年8月6號,.. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. "The notion of a "mental representation" is, arguably, in the first instance a theoretical construct of cognitive science. As such, it is a basic concept of the Computational Theory of Mind, according to which cognitive states and processes are constituted by the occurrence, transformation and storage (in the mind/brain) of information-bearing structures (representations) of one kind or another."
  2. Marr, David. Vision. A Computational Investigation into the Human Representation and Processing of Visual Information. The MIT Press. 2010.
  3. Kind, Amy (2014). Current Controversies in Philosophy of Mind. New York: Routledge.
  4. Friedenberg, J., & Silverman, G. (2011). Cognitive science: An introduction to the study of mind. Sage. Ch. 1.