恐怖谷粵讀:hung2 bou3 guk1;英文uncanny valley日文不気味の谷現象)係一個有關情緒嘅諗頭。簡化講,恐怖谷理論講嘅嘢係:



概論 編輯



想像家陣畫一條線,X 軸表示「一件物體有幾似人類」,而 Y 軸就表示「人類對嗰件物體嘅好感」;心理實驗表明,呢條線會有個[1]

  1. 一般人傾向對完全唔似人嘅物體(例如係一架)冇咩特別好感;
  2. 當一件物體個樣開始似人類,人通常會開始對佢有啲好感,例子可以想像有眼耳口鼻、特登整到個樣好得意人形機械人或者毛公仔
  3. 當相似度高到某個點、但嗰件物體又明顯唔係人嗰陣,人對嗰件物體嘅好感會勁跌,會覺得件物體令佢哋毛骨悚然,例如係喪屍,或者像真度高但明顯唔係人嘅機械人;
  4. 一般人對健康正常嘅人(最似人嘅物體)最有好感。

下圖就係恐怖谷理論嘅圖解:Y 軸表示好感度,X 軸表示似人度;實線表示靜止唔郁嘅物體,喺呢條線最低點嘅係死屍,而虛線表示曉郁嘅物體,喺呢條線最低點嘅係喪屍。


亦即話    嗰陣會係 0(點 1),而隨住   數值升,  會跟住升(點 2);當   升到咁上下去到某一個點,  會急跌(點 3);然後當   去到最大值嗰陣,  會急升同返去到最高點(點 4)。呢條線嗰個「谷」就係所謂嘅恐怖谷-「因為覺得件物體恐怖,而引致嘅好感度低[2][3]

應用 編輯


... 呀噉。

睇埋 編輯

文獻 編輯

  • Bartneck, C., Kanda, T., Ishiguro, H., & Hagita, N. (2007). Is the uncanny valley an uncanny cliff? Proceedings of the 16th IEEE, RO-MAN 2007, Jeju, Korea, pp. 368–373.
  • Miklósi, Ádám and Korondi, Péter and Matellán, Vicente and Gácsi, Márta Ethorobotics: A New Approach to Human-Robot Relationship. Frontiers in Psychology, 2017, 8, p. 958.


  1. Mathur, Maya B.; Reichling, David B. (2016). "Navigating a social world with robot partners: a quantitative cartography of the Uncanny Valley". Cognition. 146: 22–32.
  2. MacDorman, K. F.; Chattopadhyay, D. (2016). "Reducing consistency in human realism increases the uncanny valley effect; increasing category uncertainty does not" (PDF). Cognition. 146: 190-205.
  3. MacDorman, K. F.; Ishiguro, H. (2006). "The uncanny advantage of using androids in social and cognitive science research" (PDF). Interaction Studies. 7 (3): 297-337.
  4. MacDorman, K. F.; Chattopadhyay, D. (2016). "Reducing consistency in human realism increases the uncanny valley effect; increasing category uncertainty does not" (PDF). Cognition. 146: 190-205.
  5. MacDorman, K. F.; Ishiguro, H. (2006). "The uncanny advantage of using androids in social and cognitive science research" (PDF). Interaction Studies. 7 (3): 297-337.
  6. Laks, Z. A. (2015). Derelict dolls and strange spaces: the horror of the uncanny valley in the films of Roman Polanski. Studies in Eastern European Cinema, 6(2), 154-168.
