法塔赫阿拉伯文فتح‎,羅馬拼音:Fatḥ),以前叫巴勒斯坦國家解放運動 (阿拉伯文حركة التحرير الوطني الفلسطيني‎,羅馬拼音:Ḥarakat al-Taḥrīr al-Waṭanī l-Filasṭīnī)[9],係一個巴勒斯坦嘅政黨,同哈馬斯一齊造成國家嘅兩大黨。佢嘅主席依家係阿巴斯

成立 1959年 (運動)
1965年 (政黨)[1]
官方色彩 黃色
總部 巴勒斯坦國 西岸地區拉姆安拉
意識形態 巴勒斯坦人民族主義[2]
黨員Yasser Arafat
Khaled Yashruti
Salah Khalaf
Khalil al-Wazir


2006年巴勒斯坦立法議會選舉英文2006 Palestinian legislative election哈馬斯贏咗議會大多數,令法塔赫成爲咗少數黨。到加沙之戰之後,法塔赫控制嘅巴勒斯坦自治政府,失去咗控制加沙走廊嘅權力,而當地自此之後就係由哈馬斯管治。法塔赫亦喺難民營有唔少嘅影響力[14][15]

睇埋 編輯


  1. "مفوضية التعبئة والتنظيم - فصائل منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية". Fatehorg.ps. 原著喺26 January 2016歸檔. 喺2013-04-25搵到.
  2. "Jailed Fatah leader Barghouti: Gaza war was victory for Palestinians". The Jerusalem Post - JPost.com. 18 September 2014. 喺3 July 2015搵到.
  3. Wienthal, Benjamin. "German Jews slam party for working with Fatah". The Jerusalem Post. 喺2 May 2016搵到. [Sigmar Gabriel] added that Fatah was part of the values of social democracy and was represented in the European coalition of social democrats as an observer partner.
  4. "Quién fue Yasser Arafat?". 17 March 2019.
  5. Ulrika Möller, Isabell Schierenbeck, 編 (2014). Political Leadership, Nascent Statehood and Democracy: A comparative study. Routledge. p. 139. ISBN 9781317673101.
  6. Yonah Alexander, 編 (2021). Palestinian Secular Terrorism: Profiles of Fatah, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command, and Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine. BRILL.
  7. "Abbas will tell UN to either save two-state solution or bury it — report". The Times of Israel.
  8. "Rewriting history, Abbas calls Israel a 'colonial project' unrelated to Judaism". The Times of Israel.
  9. "Al-Zaytouna Centre". Alzaytouna.net. 原著喺5 October 2011歸檔. 喺2013-04-25搵到.
  10. "Terrorism". 英百科全書. 喺3 July 2015搵到.
  11. Palestine. 大英百科全書. 喺3 July 2015搵到.
  12. "Terrorism in Tel Aviv". 時代雜誌. 1968-09-13. 原著喺2010-04-28歸檔.
  13. Phares, Walid (1974-11-13). "Arafat's 'means' failed in the end". NBC新聞. 喺2013-04-25搵到.
  14. "Palestinian Leader of Hezbollah-linked Ansar Allah leaves Lebanon to Syria". 7 November 2018.
  15. "Lebanese army deployed to Palestinian camp after Fatah-Ansar Allah clash". 26 October 2018.