萬山 (廣東)


萬山Man Shan)、老萬山Lo Man Shan),後亦加尾綴叫萬山羣島粵讀:maan6 saan1 kwan4 dou2)、萬山列島,喺中國羣島,喺廣東珠江口以南,係澳門香港以南一列(列讀辣,laat3。家下萬山係歸珠海市管,因為位於珠海轄地嘅東部,又叫珠海東區

新安縣南,圖中香港以南Ladrone islands卽係萬山。



英文叫Great and Little LadroneLandrone Islands,來自葡萄牙文,意味賊島。或者皆因以前有海賊出沒。《粵大記》中除咗記錄有「外伶仃」、「北尖」、「但竿洲」等多個島名以外,仲有「賊灣」;或者就係記錄有海賊出沒。[1]



萬山原本只係個攏統稱呼,大明大清約指新安香山縣南面諸島,並無好確設指明範圍。十八世紀衞三畏出《Chinese Commercial Guide》,指係Great and Little Ladrone[2],並不包括大嶼山蒲台等近大陸離島及遠處担杆羣島



  1. 香港電台 五夜講場 - 歷史係咁話 2020:滄波不歸成踏潮 7:09
  2. 原文:「We must pass rapidly through the well-known harbors and among the islands in the estuary of the Canton river, merely mentioning the names of the larger islands and places as we proceed. With Tyloo and Santsaou on our left, as we enter from the southward, we have on our right the Great and Little Ladrone, (called Manshan 萬山 or Lo Manshan 老萬山 Ten-thousand hills,) and Potoe; and further east, a little to the southward, commences a line of rocks and islands, of which the Asses' Ears is the most conspicuous point.」