編輯(按小型大寫字母 small capitals 寫出嘅單字係基本詞類。單字 bath 同 cloth 都有兩種唔同嘅發音,分別係 /ɑː/ 同 /æ/,重有 /ɒ/ 同 /ɔː/)
編輯- ↑ 如估‹ɡ›同‹ ›呢兩個符號都唔一樣,而且第一個字睇落去好似個‹γ›字嘅話,噉係你臺電腦嘅標準字體有問題,唔該睇埋渲染問題.
- ↑ 「夫」字係廣州同香港地區嘅譯音,而「斯」字譯音喺珠海同佛山地區同埋心母讀邊擦或者齒擦啲埞。
- ↑ 雖然話「[r]」呢個國際音標符號係有顫音,但喺英文界嘅讀音方面,大多數人都係用「/r/」符號嘅讀音,得好少人係用「/ɹ/」嘅讀音,除非喺大部分嘅英文抄寫情況先至用「/ɹ/」。
- ↑ 唔好將「/hw/」同「/w/」呢個讀音搞亂。因為「/w/」呢個讀音喺英文嘅方言入面係併入咗。想知多啲,睇吓英文嘅wh音變化。就好似英式公認發音同大多數嘅美式發音噉嘅區分。
- ↑ 就好似genre同garage呢一大堆嘅英文單詞,都唔係讀/ʒ/音就係/dʒ/音喇。
- ↑ 喺大部分嘅英文方言入面,/x/喺loch單詞成日讀成/k/音,而喺Chanukah係成日讀成/h/音。
- ↑ In non-rhotic accents like RP, /r/ is not pronounced unless followed by a vowel. In some Wikipedia articles, /ɪər/ etc. may not be distinguished from /ɪr/ etc. When they are distinguished, the long vowels are sometimes transcribed /iːr/ etc. by analogy with vowels not followed by /r/. These should be fixed to correspond with the chart here.
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Note that many speakers distinguish monosyllabic triphthongs with R and disyllabic realizations: hour /ˈaʊər/ from plougher /ˈplaʊ.ər/, hire /ˈhaɪər/ from higher /ˈhaɪ.ər/, loir /ˈlɔɪər/ from employer /ɨmˈplɔɪ.ər/, mare /ˈmɛər/ from mayor /ˈmeɪ.ər/.
- ↑ 喺美式英文嘅方言讀音入面,千祈冇將/ɒ/音同/ɑː/音搞亂。想知多啲,睇吓英文嘅後重原音變化。
- ↑ Many speakers, for example in most of Canada, have a different vowel in price and ride. Generally, an [aɪ] is used at the ends of words and before voiced sounds, as in ride, file, fine, pie, while an [əɪ] is used before voiceless sounds, as in price and write. Because /t/ and /d/ are often conflated in the middle of words in these dialects, derivatives of these words, such as rider and writer, may be distinguished only by their vowel: [ˈɹʷaɪɾəɹ], [ˈɹʷəɪɾəɹ]. However, even though the value of /aɪ/ is not predictable in some words, such as spider [ˈspəɪɾəɹ],[未記出處或冇根據] dictionaries do not generally record it, so it has not been allocated a separate transcription here.
- ↑ Instead of ɛ, many dictionaries use /e/ as a simplification, in other words without actually intending this sound.[1][2][3]
- ↑ Instead of ɛ, many dictionaries use /e/ as a simplification, in other words without actually intending this sound.[4][5][6]
- ↑ The GenAm pronunciation is ɛr. Instead of using ɛ in RP ɛər and GenAm ɛr, many dictionaries use /e/ (eər in RP and er in GenAm) as a simplification, in other words without actually intending this sound.[7][8][9]
- ↑ /ɔː/ is not distinguished from /ɑː/ (except before /r/) in dialects with the cot-caught merger such as some varieties of GenAm.
- ↑ Commonly transcribed /əʊ/ or /oː/.
- ↑ /ɔər/ is not distinguished from /ɔr/ in dialects with the horse-hoarse merger, which include most dialects of modern English.
- ↑ /ʊər/ is not distinguished from /ɔr/ in dialects with the pour-poor merger, including many younger speakers.
- ↑ In dialects with yod-dropping, /juː/ is pronounced the same as /uː/ after coronal consonants (/t/, /d/, /s/, /z/, /n/, /θ/, and /l/) in the same syllable, so that dew /djuː/ is pronounced the same as do /duː/. In dialects with yod-coalescence, /tj/, /dj/, /sj/ and /zj/ are pronounced /tʃ/, /dʒ/, /ʃ/ and /ʒ/, so that the first syllable in Tuesday is pronounced the same as choose.
- ↑ This phoneme is not used in the northern half of England and some bordering parts of Wales. These words would take the ʊ vowel: there is no foot-strut split.
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 In some articles /ɜr/ is transcribed as /ɝː/, and /ər/ as /ɚ/, when not followed by a vowel.
- ↑ Pronounced [ə] in Australian and many US dialects, and [ɪ] in Received Pronunciation. Many speakers freely alternate between a reduced [ɪ̈] and a reduced [ə]. Many phoneticians (vd. Olive & Greenwood 1993:322) and the OED use the pseudo-IPA symbol
ɪ[10], and Merriam–Webster uses ə̇. - ↑ Pronounced [ə] in many dialects, and [ɵw] or [əw] before another vowel, as in cooperate. Sometimes pronounced as a full /oʊ/, especially in careful speech. (Bolinger 1989) Usually transcribed as /ə(ʊ)/ (or similar ways of showing variation between /əʊ/ and /ə/) in British dictionaries.
- ↑ Pronounced [ʊ] in many dialects, [ə] in others. Many speakers freely alternate between a reduced [ʊ̈] and a reduced [ə]. The OED uses the pseudo-IPA symbol
ʊ[11]. - ↑ Pronounced /iː/ in dialects with the happy tensing, /ɪ/ in other dialects. British convention used to transcribe it with /ɪ/, but the OED and other influential dictionaries recently converted to /i/.
- ↑ It is arguable that there is no phonemic distinction in English between primary and secondary stress (vd. Ladefoged 1993), but it is conventional to notate them as here.
- ↑ Full vowels following a stressed syllable, such as the ship in battleship, are marked with secondary stress in some dictionaries (Merriam-Webster), but not in others (the OED). Such syllables are not actually stressed.
- ↑ Syllables are indicated sparingly, where necessary to avoid confusion, for example to break up sequences of vowels (moai) or consonant clusters which an English speaker might misread as a digraph (Vancouveria, Windhoek).