OSV語序一種,指賓語行先,然後係主語動詞擺尾。就咁講某隻語言係 OSV 即係指嗰隻語言入面啲句子傾向係 OSV。

OSV 冇 SOV 或者 SVO 咁常見(事實係,有估計話 OSV 係六大句法語序當中最罕有嘅[1]),佢哋啲句子望落會係噉:



廣東話 編輯


廣東話被指有陣時會用到 OSV 型嘅句子,而且個 O 後面仲會掕住一隻ne1字嚟做主題標記[2]:1.3

go3 caang2 ne1,ngo5 sik6 zo2 laa3(漢字:個橙呢,我就食咗喇。
zek3 wu4 dip2 ne1,ngo5 fong3 zau2 zo2(漢字:隻蝴蝶呢,我放走咗喇。
go2 go3 caak6 zai2 ne1,caa1 jan4 zuk1 zo2 laa3(漢字:嗰個賊仔呢,差人捉咗喇。

睇埋 編輯


  1. Dryer, Matthew S. (2013). "Order of Subject, Object and Verb". In Dryer, Matthew S.; Haspelmath, Martin (eds.). The World Atlas of Language Structures Online. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
  2. Song, Y., & Lai, R. K. (2021). Syntactic representations encode grammatical functions: evidence from the priming of mapping between grammatical functions and thematic roles in Cantonese. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 36(10), 1329-1342.