User talk:H78c67c/歸檔1
Your feedback matters: Final reminder to take the global Wikimedia survey
編輯(Sorry to write in Engilsh)
Hello! This is a final reminder that the Wikimedia Foundation survey will close on 28 February, 2017 (23:59 UTC). The survey is available in various languages and will take between 20 and 40 minutes. Take the survey now.
If you already took the survey - thank you! We won't bother you again.
About this survey: You can find more information about this project here or you can read the frequently asked questions. This survey is hosted by a third-party service and governed by this privacy statement. If you need additional help, or if you wish to opt-out of future communications about this survey, send an email through EmailUser function to User:EGalvez (WMF) or About the Wikimedia Foundation: The Wikimedia Foundation supports you by working on the software and technology to keep the sites fast, secure, and accessible, as well as supports Wikimedia programs and initiatives to expand access and support free knowledge globally. Thank you! --EGalvez (WMF) (talk) 2017年2月24號 (五) 08:23 (UTC)
編輯Hello903hello,我睇你近呢年幾好熱心貢獻粵文維基百科。有無興趣選下管理員?翹仔 (傾偈) 2018年2月24號 (六) 06:04 (UTC)
- @Deryck Chan:暫時重未有,因為假期之後又忙過,無可能繼續恁活躍。--Hello903hello·傾偈·粵文維基百科有65,000篇文喇! 2018年2月24號 (六) 10:48 (UTC)
- 又無話一定要超過某個活躍度先適合做管理員嘅。不過我明白每個編輯都係義工,都有其他嘢做,所以唔一定有心選管理員。多謝你一路嘅貢獻,繼續努力。翹仔 (傾偈) 2018年2月25號 (日) 13:27 (UTC)
phab 盒仔
編輯其實係咪應該將呢個變返做一個模(en:Template:Tracked)?--翹仔 (傾偈) 2018年3月1號 (四) 16:22 (UTC)
- @Deryck Chan:嗰時毋知有無機會喺第度用到,就恁subst完再繁翻譯。如果有地方用到嘅話,就可以變返做一個模--Hello903hello·傾偈·粵文維基百科有65,000篇文喇! 2018年3月2號 (五) 05:04 (UTC)
Results from global Wikimedia survey 2018 are published
編輯Hello! A few months ago the Wikimedia Foundation invited you to take a survey about your experiences on Wikipedia. You signed up to receive the results. The report is now published on Meta-Wiki! We asked contributors 170 questions across many different topics like diversity, harassment, paid editing, Wikimedia events and many others.
Read the report or watch the presentation, which is available only in English.
Add your thoughts and comments to the report talk page.
Feel free to share the report on Wikipedia/Wikimedia or on your favorite social media. Thanks!
--EGalvez (WMF)
2018年10月1號 (一) 19:25 (UTC)
編輯Category:原子能冇顯示喺Category:即刻刪除候選。:)--Roy17 (傾偈) 2018年10月31號 (三) 15:26 (UTC)
- 我估呢,上一次編輯唔得,係有兩個原因。1 wiki處理分類,係喺每次修改commit嗰下更新。2 喺0228嘅編輯,未到0301,所以commit嗰時,係唔屬於cat即刪候選,wiki就冇將呢個信息傳過去cat嗰版。而之後兩次編輯,因為已經過咗0301,commit嗰下wiki就更新咗cat。--Roy17 (傾偈) 2018年11月3號 (六) 13:19 (UTC)
- 應該唔係bug,而係設計係噉。必須要commit一次先會更新數據結構。類似WP:VPM#經transclusion加嘅分類。--Roy17 (傾偈) 2018年11月3號 (六) 14:56 (UTC)
編輯朋友,我哋討論緊要唔要Template:JapaneseTable;呢篇文你有份寫。如果你有興趣,請你去Wikipedia:刪文討論#Template:JapaneseTable傾傾。多謝。翹仔 (傾偈) 2018年12月17號 (一) 18:35 (UTC)
編輯傾偈版嘅舊偈通常唔會就噉鏟走,而係搬落歸檔版。我幫你整咗個歸檔盒仔,以後刪走啲舊偈嘅時候請搬入去歸檔版。翹仔 (傾偈) 2019年4月9號 (二) 14:41 (UTC)