- 順便提提,響討論版發言之後,記得打4隻(半形)波浪紋來簽名,即係咁~~~~。
- 有乜嘢問題,可以去我塊討論版問我,亦可以來呢度揾答案。有嘢講?請去Wikipedia:新維基友留言。
- 我哋發展緊用字嘅一套指引《Wikipedia:粵語本字》,你可參攷同埋畀意見。希望你鍾意來呢度寫嘢。
- 得閒飲茶!--Jason6698 (傾偈) 2014年8月23號 (六) 12:35 (UTC)
About the issue of names in cantonese
編輯Thanks for your communication about the works, In my opinion the Canton isn't a historical English name although the authorities may wonder to make it true by refreshing the standard of local translation work.In fact you could find the Canton well used in regards to business, economics, and international relations,such as Canton Tower,Canton Fair and so on. You may be confused by the coexistence of two different names but that's the fact, and the "offical" in Chinese(Cantonses either)meaning more in English. The influence of the difference far more could be seen in other parts under the same authorities. I hope you could understand the situation in those works.Sorry for my impertinence before.——Longway22 (傾偈) 2018年11月24號 (六) 02:18 (UTC)