語言習得(粵拼:jyu5 jin4 zaap6 dak1;英文:language acquisition)係指一個人由唔識用語言變到識嘅過程。可以分爲
語言學研究成日會攞大人或者 BB 做研究對象,想探究「以呢隻語言做母語、屬呢個年齡層嘅人,能唔能夠聽得出兩吓聲有分別?」噉嘅問題;問題係 BB 未識講嘢,所以唔似得大人噉曉話俾研究者知佢哋感知到嘅嘢;但已知認知心理學上有習慣化呢種現象,習慣化係指多種嘅動物(包括人類)如果重複噉經歷到某樣刺激,而樣刺激係無關痛癢嘅,佢哋會慢慢變到對呢樣刺激冇嗮反應;例如一位研究者想知 4 個月大嘅 BB 曉唔曉分辨 [l] 同 [r] 呢兩種聲,佢可以一路監察住個 BB,再一路俾佢聽一系列 [l] 音,等個 BB 對呢隻聲習慣化,然後去到咁上下,研究者會畀 BB 聽 [r] 嘅音-如果個 BB 識得分到呢兩種聲,噉佢理應會對 [r] 有反應,而唔係對吓聲有「習慣咗」噉嘅無反應[2][3]。
有研究試過搵咗啲 BB 返嚟,睇吓佢哋分辨唔同聲嘅能力。研究指直至大約 10 個月大為止,BB 一路都能夠分辨唔同嘅聲,但一到咗 11 至 12 個月大左右,啲 BB 分辨聲嘅能力就開始「專化」到迎合自己嘅母語-即係例如以日文做母語、一路聽住屋企人講日文嘅 BB,會喺呢個時期變到唔識分 [l] 同 [r](日文唔會分辨嘅兩隻聲,英文會分辨),技術化啲講即係似乎將 [l] 同 [r] 呢兩隻實際上唔同嘅聲當正係屬於同一款 phoneme 噉[4]。
編輯細路會透過經驗、無意識噉學習自己嘅母語[5]:18.2.3 [6]。呢種學習過程可以用統計學習噉嘅方法嚟想像:一至兩歲嘅細路唔識得講嘢,但研究表明,佢哋會一路聽身邊嘅大人(父母同其他屋企人)講嘢;去到咁上下,佢哋嘅腦就會充滿咗記憶,記得邊啲音節係身邊啲大人講過嘅。噉而家想像兩個細路,明仔同米高—
- 明仔母語係粵語,佢一路聽住身邊啲大人講粵語,到咗明仔兩歲嗰陣,佢個腦記得成日聽身邊啲大人講 /s/ 或者 /m/ 開頭嘅音節,但係佢冇聽過任何 /sm/ 開頭嘅音節。
- 米高母語係英文,佢身邊啲大人一路喺佢身邊講英文,到咗米高兩歲嗰陣,佢個腦已經聽過好多 /sl/ 或者 /bl/ 開頭嘅音節,但佢從來冇聽過 /bn/ 開頭嘅音節。
於是乎呢兩個細路就各自無意識噉認定,佢未聽過嗰啲語音組合係自己母語唔允許嘅—學識咗自己母語嘅語音組合法則。呢點可以用心理實驗噉嘅方法嚟展示—搵一班識字、以英文做母語嘅大人返嚟,佢哋能夠憑直覺噉判斷 hing 可以係一隻英文字詞(只係可能佢哋唔識噉解),而 bnick 聽落望落唔似係英文字詞。
編輯舉具體啲嘅例子說明,想像而家有個細路,叫佢做「明仔」:明仔阿爺阿嫲嗰輩就由廣東移民過咗美國,佢喺美國出世同大,同屋企人講開粵語,同阿爺阿嫲(例如)飲茶嗰時完全 100% 係用粵語講嘢嘅;而等到明仔夠大個嗰陣,佢就返學,喺學校嗰度學英文,用英文同老師同學溝通,不過同屋企人就繼續用粵語;喺呢個情況下,明仔嘅 L1 係粵語而 L2 係英文,佢學英文嘅過程係一段 SLA。
編輯- Kang, X., Yip, V., Matthews, S. et al. (2023). A large-scale repository of spoken narratives in French, German and Spanish from Cantonese-speaking learners. Sci Data 10, 183.
- Shortt, M., Tilak, S., Kuznetcova, I., Martens, B., & Akinkuolie, B. (2023). Gamification in mobile-assisted language learning: A systematic review of Duolingo literature from public release of 2012 to early 2020. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 36(3), 517-554,呢篇綜述文睇勻咗有關 Duolingo 嘅研究,研究 Duolingo 專登設計到好似隻遊戲噉樣會點影響學語言嘅人嘅學習動機;講到啲研究點樣由認知同外在動機等嘅角度嚟思考呢條問題。佢哋結論係噉嘅:"To sum up, these results paint a mixed (and sometimes negatively skewed) picture of Duolingo's effectiveness in improving foreign language performance and generating sustained engagement and motivation. Gamified presentation seems to be more enjoyable (at least initially) than typical classroom text-based presentation of learning materials; yet, once the novelty effect wears off, the gamification elements cannot compensate for the design decisions prioritizing competition over collaboration, repetition and translation over meaningful feedback and context, and passive receptive skills (listening and reading) overactive productive skills (speaking and writing)."
編輯- ↑ Hayes, B. P. (2010). Introductory linguistics (PDF). Unpublish textbook.
- ↑ Phillips, C.; Pellathy, T.; Marantz, A.; Yellin, E.; Wexler, K.; McGinnis, M.; Poeppel, D.; Roberts, T. (2001). "Auditory Cortex Accesses Phonological Category: An MEG Mismatch Study". Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 12 (6): 1038-1055.
- ↑ Draganova, Rossitza; Eswaran, Hari; Murphy, Pamela; Huotilainen, Minna; Lowery, Curtis; Preissl, Hubert (2005-11-01). "Sound frequency change detection in fetuses and newborns, a magnetoencephalographic study". NeuroImage. 28 (2): 354-361.
- ↑ 5.1 How Babies Learn the Phoneme Categories of Their Language. Essentials of Linguistics. Open Library.
- ↑ Dell, G. S., & Jacobs, C. L. (2016). Successful speaking: Cognitive mechanisms of adaptation in language production. Neurobiology of language, 209-219.
- ↑ Lany, J., & Saffran, J. R. (2013). Statistical learning mechanisms in infancy. Comprehensive developmental neuroscience: Neural circuit development and function in the brain, 3, 231-248.
編輯- English language levels (CEFR),呢度講解點樣用歐洲共同語言參考標準(CEFR)評定啲人「英文能力有幾高」。