奇幻文學英文fantasy literature)係一種講奇幻故仔文學體裁,指故仔設喺假想嘅世界當中,而故仔當中有魔法等超自然力量嘅元素。出名嘅例子有哈利波特魔戒


定義 編輯


2020 年嘅不列顛百科全書係噉樣形容「奇幻」呢個詞嘅[1]

原版英文:"Fantasy, also spelled phantasy, imaginative fiction dependent for effect on strangeness of setting (such as other worlds or times) and of characters (such as supernatural or unnatural beings). ... Science fiction can be seen as a form of fantasy, but the terms are not interchangeable, as science fiction usually is set in the future and is based on some aspect of science or technology, while fantasy is set in an imaginary world and features the magic of mythical beings."

粵文翻譯:奇幻係一種想像性虛構故仔,依靠嘅係背景設定嘅奇異性(例如設喺第個世界或者時間)以及係角色嘅奇異性(例如係超自然或者唔自然嘅生靈)... 科幻可以當係奇幻嘅一個形式,不過(「奇幻」同「科幻」)呢兩個詞並唔係可以互換嘅,因為科幻通常設喺未來以及建基於科學或者科技嘅某啲部份,而奇幻設喺虛構世界以及用到神話生物嘅魅力。

睇埋 編輯


  1. Fantasy - Narrative genre. Encyclopedia Britannica.