喺日常用語當中,習慣(粵拼:zaap6 gwaan3)[英 1]大致係指一啲「周時做完又做,好多時唔覺意做咗」嘅行為[1];而喺嚴謹啲嘅行為科學上,習慣就可以大致定義做「一個人唔使點諗就重複噉做出嚟嘅行為」[2]。

編輯喺廿一世紀初嘅行為科學上,習慣嘅定義有些少含糊[5],當中喺 1903 年就有心理學家噉樣定義習慣呢隻詞[6]:p. 1:
「 | 」 |
有咗呢個概念,習慣就可以想像成一種行為,即係[11][12]:p. 1
- 「由時間地點等嘅情境觸發[英 5]引起嘅『自動波』(第一型)行為。」
- 「一啲基於記憶嘅傾向,令到個人一遇到情境觸發就自動噉做出特定嘅行為。」
編輯有唔少社科研究都有興趣分析習慣。例如市場學就成日都想達致「要令啲消費者習慣噉消費樣產品」-喺 2009 年有市場學家喺戲院做研究,發覺冇買開(冇習慣)爆谷嘅消費者買爆谷嘅機率明顯受爆谷嘅味道影響,但有買開(有習慣)爆谷嘅消費者就比較傾向「啲爆谷唔好食都照買」[14]-如果啲客慣咗買爆谷,賣爆谷嘅人就可以降低爆谷品質同時賺嘅利潤不變。
「 | 習慣呢家嘢係點形成嘅呢?
」 |
一般認為,習慣形成主要有三大部份[11]:p. 7[15][16]:
- 自我控制:定時提醒啲人施展自控[註 2],不過呢種方法喺個人攰或者分咗心嗰陣會冇咁有效[23];
- 改變環境:習慣係由時地等嘅環境刺激引起嘅,所以環境改變(例如搬屋)可以令啲習慣跟住起變化[24]。
- 犒賞移除:即係移走習慣行為帶嚟嘅快感,例如如果要改變自己「成日不自覺走去搵零食」嘅習慣,大可以索性唔畀自己喺屋企儲住啲零食。
- 態度:大致上可以想像成一個人對某樣嘢有咩評價或者感受;研究指,態度改變能夠引起習慣改變,但係效果[註 3]唔算好勁[25],不過如果一樣行為仲未成為習慣(仲未太過自動波),態度就能夠引起比較明顯嘅行為改變,而且態度亦可以引致習慣形成[26]。
... 呀噉。
編輯- 前額皮層[英 7](PFC):人腦入面一個主管有意識行為同目的嘅腦區,位於大腦皮層(人腦最外面嗰浸)最近額頭嗰忽;腦神經學研究指,是但攞件行為 B,教一班受試者做 B,佢哋初頭每次做 B 嗰時 PFC 都會有高嘅腦活動,而隨住佢哋習慣做 B,佢哋會開始唔使諗都做到,而且佢哋「做 B 嗰陣嘅 PFC 活動」會變到冇咁強[28]。
- 認知同決策:人喺趕時間(唔夠時間用第二型過程)或者分咗心(心靈資源唔夠)嗰陣,零舍容易變成「齋靠習慣決定點樣行事」[11]:p. 5。
- 自閉症譜系[英 8]:自閉症譜系嘅其中一個特徵係個人行為好規範化,硬係要定時定候就做習慣嘅行為,而且一要佢改習慣就會緊張[29]。
- 衝動同自控[30]
- 反應時間
- 學習曲線
- 習俗
編輯- 【成功必學】三個方法助你建立好習慣,改變生活|五分鐘心理學,樹洞香港 TreeholeHK
- (英文) 7 Strategies for Resuming a Good Habit After a Slip,講到用錯咗習慣[英 9]呢個概念—即係指啲人去到一個情境裡便嗰陣,明明已經學咗個新習慣,但唔覺意噉用咗舊嗰個習慣。
- (英文) "Should Habits or Goals Direct Your Life? It Depends". (Scientific American MIND blog post).
編輯- Bowers, J., & Abrahamson, D. (2019). Kicking the Habit: The Opioid Crisis, America's Addiction to Punitive Prohibition, and the Promise of Free Heroin. Ohio St. LJ, 80, 787,吸毒同相關嘅犯罪行為好多時源於個人「慣咗去搵毒品」(毒品會帶嚟快感)。
- Deterding, S., Sicart, M., Nacke, L., O'Hara, K., & Dixon, D. (2011). Gamification. using game-design elements in non-gaming contexts. In CHI'11 extended abstracts on human factors in computing systems (pp. 2425-2428).
- de Wit, S., Corlett, P. R., Aitken, M. R., Dickinson, A., & Fletcher, P. C. (2009). Differential engagement of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex by goal-directed and habitual behavior toward food pictures in humans. Journal of Neuroscience, 29(36), 11330-11338,講到習慣一旦形成,啲人就會開始冇咁在意個習慣係咪真係能夠帶嚟犒賞—所謂嘅對貶值唔敏感[英 10]。
- de Wit, S., Kindt, M., Knot, S. L., Verhoeven, A. A., Robbins, T. W., Gasull-Camos, J., ... & Gillan, C. M. (2018). Shifting the balance between goals and habits: Five failures in experimental habit induction. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 147(7), 1043.
- Heidenreich, S., & Kraemer, T. (2016). Innovations—doomed to fail? Investigating strategies to overcome passive innovation resistance. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 33(3), 277-297.
- Lally, P., Van Jaarsveld, C. H., Potts, H. W., & Wardle, J. (2010). How are habits formed: Modelling habit formation in the real world. European journal of social psychology, 40(6), 998-1009,有講到習慣曲線嘅諗頭,一樣行為似乎重複廿零次左右就會變到高度「自動波」。
- Lally, P., & Gardner, B. (2013). Promoting habit formation. Health psychology review, 7(sup1), S137-S158,講到影響習慣形成嘅因素:行為嘅頻率、有幾前後一致,夠唔夠簡單、會帶嚟咩心理犒賞、情境觸發有幾適合、以及情境觸發有幾穩定... 等。
- Neal, D. T., Wood, W., & Quinn, J. M. (2006). Habits - A repeat performance. Current directions in psychological science, 15(4), 198-202.
- Quinn, J. M., Pascoe, A., Wood, W., & Neal, D. T. (2010). Can't control yourself? Monitor those bad habits. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36(4), 499-511.
- Smith, K. S., & Graybiel, A. M. (2022). Habit formation. Dialogues in clinical neuroscience.
- Thürmer, J. L., McCrea, S. M., & Gollwitzer, P. M. (2013). Regulating self-defensiveness: If–then plans prevent claiming and creating performance handicaps. Motivation and Emotion, 37, 712-725.
- Tuu, H. H. (2022). The role of impulsiveness and habit strength in reducing food waste. Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies, (ahead-of-print).
- Vance, A., Siponen, M., & Pahnila, S. (2012). Motivating IS security compliance: Insights from habit and protection motivation theory. Information & Management, 49(3-4), 190-198,呢篇文講運用習慣嚟教員工安全噉使用資訊系統。
- Verplanken, B., & Orbell, S. (2022). Attitudes, habits, and behavior change. Annual review of psychology, 73, 327-352.
- Walker, I., Thomas, G. O., & Verplanken, B. (2015). Old habits die hard: Travel habit formation and decay during an office relocation. Environment and Behavior, 47(10), 1089-1106.
- Wood, W., Tam, L., & Witt, M. G. (2005). Changing circumstances, disrupting habits. Journal of personality and social psychology, 88(6), 918.
- Zubiri, H. (2014). The Consequences of Diglossia in the Cultural Habits of a Minority Language: Analysing the Consumption of Basque Culture. Global Studies Journal, 6(1),有講到習慣同雙層語言之間嘅啦掕。
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- ↑ Verplanken, B., & Orbell, S. (2022). Attitudes, habits, and behavior change. Annual review of psychology, 73, 327-352,第 332 頁 Figure 1 嗰度有個理論模型。
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- ↑ Guerassimoff, G., & Thomas, J. (2015). Enhancing energy efficiency and technical and marketing tools to change people's habits in the long-term. Energy and Buildings, 104, 14-24.
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- ↑ Quinn, J. M., Pascoe, A., Wood, W., & Neal, D. T. (2010). Can't control yourself? Monitor those bad habits. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36(4), 499-511.
- ↑ Wood, W., Tam, L., & Witt, M. G. (2005). Changing circumstances, disrupting habits. Journal of personality and social psychology, 88(6), 918.
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- ↑ Itzchakov, G., Uziel, L., & Wood, W. (2018). When attitudes and habits don't correspond: Self-control depletion increases persuasion but not behavior. Journal of experimental social psychology, 75, 1-10.
編輯- ↑ 英文:habit
- ↑ 原版英文:"Habit, from the standpoint of psychology, [as] a more or less fixed way of thinking... or feeling acquired through previous repetition of a mental experience."
- ↑ Type 1
- ↑ Type 2
- ↑ situational cue
- ↑ nudge theory
- ↑ prefrontal cortex
- ↑ autism spectrum
- ↑ habit slip
- ↑ devaluation insensitivity