舉個例說明,國際英文語料庫(International Corpus of English,ICE)就係一個好出名嘅英文語料庫,ICE 搵勻嗮世界各地超過 20 個以英文做官方語言一部份嘅國家或者地區(包括香港),每個國家地區對應嘅英文語料都係儲咗當地啲人講英文嘅錄音,仲有係當地啲人用英文寫嘅隨筆、書信、學術文同新聞報道等嘅多種文字材料;到咗 2018 年,ICE 對包括嘅每個國家地區都最少有 1,500,000 字咁長嘅材料(大型)[3][4][註 1]。
語料庫語言學(corpus linguistics)泛指靠語料庫嚟做嘅語言學研究[5]:語言學定義上就係研究語言嘅學問,而要研究一樣嘢,就實要攞大量屬嗰個類嘅事物嚟做樣本-語料庫正正就能夠提供大量嘅語言材料,語言學家攞住一隻語言嘅語料,就可以郁手分析嗰隻語言嘅文法等嘅特性,對現代嘅語言學研究嚟講非常重要。
編輯喺廿一世紀初嘅語言學上,語料庫定義係指一啲大型有結構嘅語言資源,當中「有結構」係一個關鍵字:語料庫個英文名嚟自拉丁文 corpus [6],大致上拉丁文入面「嚿嘢」噉解,所以 text corpus 字面上涵意可以理解做「成嚿文字」;不過喺實際應用上,語料庫唔淨只要儲住啲語料,仲要俾語言學家同第啲工作者(例如可以睇吓教 AI 處理語言嘅工作)攞去用,所以齋攞咗啲語料返嚟係唔夠嘅-整語料庫嘅人仲要將啲語料執到有條有理噉[1]。
舉個例說明,廿一世紀初嘅語料庫基本上實會做詞性標注(part-of-speech tagging)-即係同啲語料入嘅每隻字標明佢係咩詞性,每隻字都標明嗮佢係名詞定動詞定形容詞定點[7][8];做到類似下面噉[9]-
- 文字分割(text segmentation):指將要處理嗰段字分割做若干嚿各自有意思嘅單位,方便做一步嘅分析,常見嘅有將段字切割做句子或者個別嘅字呀噉;即係例如[10]:
- Input:San Pedro is a town on the southern part of the island of Ambergris Caye in the Belize District of the nation of Belize, in Central America. According to 2015 mid-year estimates, the town has a population of about 16, 444.
- Output:
- San Pedro is a town on the southern part of the island of Ambergris Caye in the 2.Belize District of the nation of Belize, in Central America.
- According to 2015 mid-year estimates, the town has a population of about 16, 444. It is the second-largest town in the Belize District and largest in the Belize Rural South constituency.(分割咗做唔同句子)
- 詞形還原(lemmatization):指教部電腦一個字喺唔同詞性下嘅唔同樣,等部電腦識得將呢啲唔同樣當做同一個字噉嚟分析;例如英文 wolf 同 wolves 都係指狼,後者係眾數,做詞形還原就會教部電腦知 wolf 同 wolves 係同一個字嘅唔同樣[11]。
- 分析樹(parse tree):一種語言學分析上成日會用嘅樹狀數據;簡單講即係按文法將一串字串嘅句法結構表述出嚟,例如好似 John hit the ball(阿莊打中咗個波)呢句簡單嘅英文句子噉,就可以畫做以下噉嘅分析樹[12]:
... 呀噉。
- 要做好啲事前處理(睇返上面)
- 要大:語料庫基本上就係為語言學同相關嘅研究提供語言樣本,而樣本通常係愈大愈好嘅;一個語料庫嘅大細通常會用入面啲語料嘅總字數嚟計,字數愈高個語料庫就算係愈大,(假設第啲因素不變)個語料庫愈大就愈有用[13];例如到咗 2020 年,牛津英文語料庫(Oxford English Corpus;一個描述廿一世紀初嘅英文嘅語料庫[14])總字數有成 21 億字咁多[15];另一方面,國際英文語料庫(ICE)就每個佢哋包括嘅國家地區都最少有 1,500,000 字咁長嘅材料,都仲俾人批評話佢細得滯[4]。
- 要夠近期:語言係會隨時間而演變嘅,例如潮流用語等嘅現象就反映咗語言嘅演變;因為噉,如果一個語料庫啲數據唔夠近期,就會搞到研究者攞唔到最新嘅資訊,例如想像有位人工智能研究者想寫一隻曉同人傾偈嘅傾偈機械人,但佢用嘅語料庫數據唔夠新,冇近 10 年嘅數據,就會搞到隻機械人唔識用近 10 年嘅潮流用語-做唔到自然嘅傾談[16]。喺實際應用上,語料庫仲會同啲語料標明埋每件語料係源自咩年份嘅,方便用家判斷嗰件語料係咪啱用。
- 要夠廣泛:一般認為,語料庫最好能夠包含唔同類嘅語料,例如牛津英文語料庫同國際英文語料庫都既會包含用英文寫嘅文字,又會包括啲人講嘢嘅錄音;除此之外,唔同情境下寫字同講嘢都會唔同,例如新聞報導、散文故仔同學術文之間就有相當嘅差異,而啲人「喺正式場合講嘢」同「喺一般日常屋企人之間講嘢」又會好唔同,國際英文語料庫等嘅語料庫都有諗到呢一點,所以喺搵語料用嗰陣會包含唔同嘅料,會有新聞報導、虛構故仔同學術文等嘅多種唔同材料[17]。
- 中繼資料(metadata):中繼資料係指「描繪數據嘅數據」,係語料庫不可或缺嘅一環;例如家陣有一份語料,份語料係篇隨筆,篇隨筆入面嘅字就係數據本身,而中繼資料就係指描述呢件數據嘅數據-包括係描述篇文嘅作者、字數、出嘅年份同埋出處... 呀噉;中繼資料喺好多分析上都好有用,例如描述啲數據「係咩年份出」嘅中繼資料就可以幫手分析隻語言隨時間嘅變化[18]。
... 呀噉。
編輯- ↑ 不過都有人指出,以廿一世紀初嘅語料庫嚟講,1,500,000 字算係有啲細。
編輯- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Liu, V., & Curran, J. R. (2006, April). Web text corpus for natural language processing. In 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (pp. 233-240).
- ↑ Language Corpora. University of Queensland.
- ↑ Greenbaum, S., & Nelson, G. (1996). The international corpus of English (ICE) project. World Englishes, 15(1), 3-15.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Kirk, J., & Nelson, G. (2018). The International Corpus of English project: A progress report (PDF). World Englishes, 37(4), 697-716.
- ↑ Sinclair, J. 'The automatic analysis of corpora', in Svartvik, J. (ed.) Directions in Corpus Linguistics (Proceedings of Nobel Symposium 82). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. (1992).
- ↑ Corpus Linguistics 互聯網檔案館嘅歸檔,歸檔日期2022年1月24號,..
- ↑ Neunerdt, M., Trevisan, B., Reyer, M., & Mathar, R. (2013). Part-of-speech tagging for social media texts. In Language Processing and Knowledge in the Web (pp. 139-150). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- ↑ Kupiec, J. (1992). Robust part-of-speech tagging using a hidden Markov model. Computer speech & language, 6(3), 225-242.
- ↑ Freddy Y. Y. Choi (2000). "Advances in domain independent linear text segmentation". Proceedings of the 1st Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ANLP-NAACL-00). pp. 26–33.
- ↑ Müller, Thomas; Cotterell, Ryan; Fraser, Alexander; Schütze, Hinrich (2015). Joint Lemmatization and Morphological Tagging with LEMMING. 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Lisbon: Association for Computational Linguistics. pp. 2268-2274.
- ↑ Noam Chomsky (26 December 2014). Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. MIT Press.
- ↑ Hanke, T., Schulder, M., Konrad, R., & Jahn, E. (2020, May). Extending the Public DGS Corpus in size and depth. In Proceedings of the LREC2020 9th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Sign Language Resources in the Service of the Language Community, Technological Challenges and Application Perspectives (pp. 75-82).
- ↑ Culpeper, J. (2009). The metalanguage of impoliteness: using Sketch Engine to explore the Oxford English Corpus. na.
- ↑ "The Oxford English Corpus". Sketch Engine. Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o. Retrieved 27 October 2016.
- ↑ Renouf, A., & Kehoe, A. (2013). Filling the gaps: Using the WebCorp Linguist's Search Engine to supplement existing text resources. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 18(2), 167-198.
- ↑ International Corpus of English (ICE) Homepage.
- ↑ What is metadata and why do you need it?. Developing Linguistic Corpora: a Guide to Good Practice.
編輯- Text Corpus for NLP. Developedia.
- Unsupervised outlier detection in text corpus using Deep Learning Medium.
- What is metadata and why do you need it?. Developing Linguistic Corpora: a Guide to Good Practice.