自然科學(粵拼:zi6 jin4 fo1 hok6)泛指用科學方法嚟研究大自然嘅領域,即係會用實驗同觀察等嘅做法嚟描述、預測同埋解釋大自然入面嘅各種現象。自然科學可以按「研究大自然嘅邊一忽」嚟再細分做做好多範[1]。
- 根據已知嘅事實提出理論(「根據觀察到嘅現象,我推測背後嘅法則係點樣,令到研究對象會有呢啲表現」),最好係可以用數學模型嚟表達;
- 用邏輯性思考去推斷呢啲理論應該會有咩預測(「假如我呢個理論啱嘅,應該會見到...」);
- 做實驗同觀察收集數據,測試理論嘅預測啱唔啱(「如果我嘅理論啱,呢個實驗應該會得出咁嘅結果,而實際結果係...」);
- 如果數據顯示理論嘅預測唔夠準確,就要根據新數據修改理論令佢更準確,又或者諗過第個理論取代佢[3]。
- 物理學探討宇宙最基本嘅組成部分,包括物質、物質喺時間同空間度嘅運動,仲有能量同力呢啲概念。佢嘅研究範圍由最細嘅基本粒子去到成個宇宙都有。物理學透過研究同發現物理定律嚟了解宇宙運作嘅方式。因為宇宙入面差唔多乜嘢都要跟從呢啲定律,所以物理學可以話係最基本同覆蓋範圍最大嘅自然科學[7][8]。
- 化學研究物質同物質特性,特別係物質可以點樣轉變。化學家研究化學元素(唔同種類嘅原子)同化合物(由幾種元素組成嘅物質)嘅組成、結構同特性。佢哋仲會研究化學反應-即係物質之間嘅相互作用,包括反應過程嘅能量變化(好似有啲反應會放熱)[9][10]。
- 地球科學專門研究地球環境,包括地質學(研究岩石圈)、海洋學(研究海)同氣象學(研究天氣同氣候)。呢啲研究要用到物理學同化學嘅知識,例如地質學要了解地殼嘅化學成份同熱力對呢啲成份嘅影響-前者涉及化學知識,後者涉及熱能同壓力等物理學概念[11][12]。
- 生物學研究生命同生命點樣影響環境[15],可以分做幾個範疇:
- 遺傳學係研究基因同遺傳物質嘅生物學分支。基因決定生物嘅特徵,研究佢哋可以幫科學家明白特定基因嘅作用同基因之間嘅關係。呢啲研究仲促成咗遺傳工程嘅發展[16][17]。
- 神經科學研究神經系統,包括神經解剖學(研究腦嘅解剖結構)同神經生理學(研究腦部嘅化學、藥理同電氣特性)[18]。神經科學被認為係橋接自然科學同社會科學嘅學科-神經科學家除咗研究動物嘅神經系統,仲會研究人腦,所以可以幫助理解由人組成嘅社會特性[19]。
- 生態學研究生態系統,即係研究兩個或以上嘅生物物種共處,同埋佢哋同周圍環境入面冇生命嘅嘢(好似水同岩石)嘅互動關係[20]。喺大部分地球生態系統入面,能量以太陽光形式入到去-植物用太陽光做光合作用製造養分,然後畀食草動物食,再畀食肉動物食-呢啲複雜嘅關係就係生態學研究嘅重點[21]。
編輯- ↑ Lagemaat, Richard van de (2006). Theory of Knowledge for the IB Diploma. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- ↑ Ducarme, Frédéric; Couvet, Denis (2020). "What does 'nature' mean?". Palgrave Communications. Springer Nature. 6 (14).
- ↑ Godfrey-Smith 2003, Chapter 14: "Bayesianism and Modern Theories of Evidence".
- ↑ Cropper, W. H. (2004). Great Physicists: The Life and Times of Leading Physicists from Galileo to Hawking. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-983208-8.
- ↑ Bunge, M. (1973). Philosophy of physics (p. 122). Dordrecht: Reidel.
- ↑ Sklar, L. (1992). Philosophy of physics. Dimensions of Philosophy S.
- ↑ "Physics is one of the most fundamental of the sciences. Scientists of all disciplines use the ideas of physics, including chemists who study the structure of molecules, paleontologists who try to reconstruct how dinosaurs walked, and climatologists who study how human activities affect the atmosphere and oceans. Physics is also the foundation of all engineering and technology. No engineer could design a flat-screen TV, an interplanetary spacecraft, or even a better mousetrap without first understanding the basic laws of physics. (...) You will come to see physics as a towering achievement of the human intellect in its quest to understand our world and ourselves." Young & Freedman 2014, p. 1
- ↑ Lederman, L. M. (1984). The value of fundamental science. Scientific American, 251(5), 40-47.
- ↑ Brown, Theodore L.; LeMay, Jr., H. Eugene; Bursten, Bruce E.; Murphey, Catherine J.; Woodward, Patrick M.; Stoltzfus, Matthew W.; Lufaso, Michael W. (2018). "Introduction: Matter, energy, and measurement". Chemistry: The Central Science (14th ed.). New York: Pearson. pp. 46–85.
- ↑ "Chemistry Is Everywhere". American Chemical Society.
- ↑ What Is Earth Science?.
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- ↑ Unsöld, A.; Baschek, B. (2001). The New Cosmos: An Introduction to Astronomy and Astrophysics. Springer.
- ↑ Carroll, B. W., & Ostlie, D. A. (2017). An introduction to modern astrophysics. Cambridge University Press.
- ↑ Trifonov, Edward N. (2012). "Definition of Life: Navigation through Uncertainties". Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics. Adenine Press. 29 (4): 647–50.
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- ↑ Hartl, D, Jones, E (2005). Genetics: Analysis of Genes and Genomes (6th ed.). Jones & Bartlett.
- ↑ Bear, MF; Connors, BW; Paradiso, MA (2007). "Ch. 2". Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- ↑ Bovet, É., Kraus, C., Panese, F., Pidoux, V., & Stücklin, N. (2013). Neuroscience examined by the clinical and the social science. Revue d'anthropologie des connaissances, 7(3), a-n.
- ↑ Hatcher, Bruce Gordon (1990). "Coral reef primary productivity. A hierarchy of pattern and process". Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 5 (5): 149-155.
- ↑ Chapin, F. Stuart; Pamela A. Matson; Harold A. Mooney (2002). Principles of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology. New York: Springer. p. 10.
編輯- (英文) 界定咩自然科學