Biology and health sciences, 1100
編輯Palaeontology, 11
編輯Dinosaurs, 10
編輯Biological sciences in general, 91
編輯Ecology, 18
編輯Biochemistry, 31
編輯Microbiology, 6
編輯Botany, 215
編輯Plant physiology, 7
編輯Plant reproduction, 5
編輯Plant morphology and anatomy, 25
編輯- Life forms, 4
- Plant stem, 3
- Plant tissues, 5
Fungal morphology and anatomy, 2
編輯Fungus, 13
編輯- Edible fungi, 6
- Poisonous fungi, 2
Plants, 172
編輯Seedless Plant, 4
編輯Flowering plant, 79
編輯- Asparagales, 9
- 天門冬目(6,949)⌗
- 龍舌蘭屬(1,524)⌗
- 蘆薈(2,516)⌗
- 劍蘭(1,528)⌗
- 蝴蝶花科(9,169)⌗
- 鈴蘭(6,938)⌗
- 水仙屬(1,628)⌗
- 蘭花(8,628)⌗
- 絲蘭屬(496)⌗
- Alismatales, 3
- Ericales, 6
- Asterales, 9
- Gentianales, 2
- Brassicales, 1
- Cucurbitales, 1
- Poales, 3
- Rosales, 6
- Lamiales, 5
- Malpighiales, 4
- Malvales, 2
- Myrtales, 3
- Fagales, 11
- Sapindales, 2
- Arecales, 2
- Proteales, 2
- Cornales, 1
- Fabales, 2
- Urticales, 1
Pinophyta, 6
編輯Fruits, 34
編輯- 蘋果(1,473)⌗
- 杏(2,738)⌗
- 牛油果(633)⌗
- 蕉(681)⌗
- 黑啤梨(2,235,有文但係唔係 Q13180)⌗
- 麵包樹(9,350)⌗
- 車厘子(1,125)⌗
- 柑桔(2,727)⌗ fruits
- 無花果(10,863)⌗
- 黃瓜(10,826)⌗
- 金啤梨(884)⌗
- 紅加侖子(2,327)⌗
- 黑加侖子(633)⌗
- 椰棗(14,822)⌗
- 矮瓜(2,516)⌗
- 提子(1,528)⌗
- Psidium(1,735)⌗
- 大樹菠蘿(5,964)⌗
- 奇異果(1,487)⌗
- 荔枝(19,769)⌗
- 芒果(14,567)⌗
- 桑(3,959)⌗
- 橄欖(2,990)⌗
- 木瓜(5,228)⌗
- 桃(7,507)⌗
- 梨屬(4,396)⌗
- 菠蘿(4,144)⌗
- 石榴(13,934)⌗
- 士多啤梨(1,254)⌗
- 西瓜(43,353)⌗
Plants with vegetables and grains, 48
編輯- Amaranthaceae, 2
- Allium, 2
- Apiaceae, 3
- Asteraceae, 5
- Brassicaceae, 8
- Solanaceae, 3
- Fabaceae, 7
- Other, 6
- Grain, 12
Zoology, 470
編輯Animal physiology and behavior, 4
編輯Biological reproduction and Ontogeny, 30
編輯- Basics, 15
- 細胞週期(4,817)⌗
- 生殖(1,743)⌗
- 人嘅成長(884)⌗
- 發育生物學(352)⌗
- 無性繁殖(699)⌗
- 有性繁殖(11,218)⌗
- 月經(3,437)⌗
- 經期(603)⌗
- 更年期(463)⌗
- 精液(592)⌗
- Ontogeny, 16
Animals, 437
編輯Basic, 10
編輯Arachnids, 8
編輯Crustaceans, 8
編輯Insects, 63
編輯- 昆蟲(3,715)⌗
- 石蛾(777)⌗
- 蠼螋(666)⌗
- 跳蝨(792)⌗
- 蝨(784)⌗
- 螳螂(13,686)⌗
- 長翅目(821)⌗
- 脈翅目(733)⌗
- 竹節蟲目(6,582)⌗ (stick insects)
- 襀翅目(677)⌗
- 囓蟲目(5,920)⌗
- 捻翅目(1,066)⌗
- 薊馬(640)⌗
- Beetles (Coleoptera), 9
- 鞘翅目(19,547)⌗
- 象鼻蟲科(677)⌗
- 瓢蟲(80,146)⌗ (ladybird)
- 螢火蟲(70,023)⌗
- 步甲科(525)⌗
- 金花蟲科(625)⌗
- 天牛甲蟲(644)⌗
- 金甲蟲(4,329)⌗
- Cockroaches (Blattodea), 2
- Flies (Diptera), 6
- Hemiptera (true bugs), 6
- Hymenoptera, 6
- Lepidoptera, 12
- Odonata, 3
- Orthoptera, 5
Cnidarians, 3
編輯Molluscs, 6
編輯Invertebrata, others, 5
編輯Amphibians, 5
編輯Birds, 104
編輯- 雀(5,276)⌗
- 始祖鳥(710)⌗
- 鷿鷈(3,963)⌗
- 紅鸛(5,853)⌗
- 蜂鳥(1,006)⌗
- 鼠鳥(662)⌗
- 企鵝(16,062)⌗
- 沙雞(877)⌗
- 䳍(3,885)⌗
- 鸏科(588)⌗
- Accipitriformes and Falconiformes, 6
- Anseriformes, 4
- Apodiformes, 1
- Caprimulgiformes, 2
- Charadriiformes, 7
- Ciconiiformes, 5
- Columbiformes, 3
- Coraciiformes, 3
- Cuculiformes, 3
- Galliformes, 7
- Gruiformes, 4
- Passerines, 23
- Corvoidea, 5
- Passerida, 16
- 鵯科(629)⌗
- 鵐科(718)⌗
- 燕雀科(3,197)⌗
- 百靈雀(459)⌗
- 鶺鴒科(614)⌗
- 鶲(659)⌗
- 鳾科(56,係跳轉頁,跳轉到 「鳾」)⌗
- 麻雀科(385)⌗
- 椋鳥(574)⌗
- 太陽雀(807)⌗
- 燕(17,227)⌗
- 山雀科(599)⌗
- 鶇(562)⌗
- 鷦鷯科(570)⌗
- Pelecaniformes, 4
- Piciformes, 4
- Procellariiformes, 3
- Psittaciformes, 3
- Ratites, 6
- Strigiformes, 5
- Trogoniformes, 1
Fishes, 56
編輯- 魚(2,472)⌗
- 軟骨魚綱(1,961)⌗ (cartilaginous fishes)
- 棘魚綱(4,211)⌗ ("spiny sharks")
- 硬骨魚(588)⌗ (bony fish)
- 盾皮魚(622)⌗
- 電鰻(2,956)⌗
- 鮟鱇目(3,101)⌗
- 鱭魚(548)⌗
- 海象魚(688)⌗
- Batoidea, 3
- Characiformes, 2
- Chondrosteans, 1
- Clupeiformes, 3
- Cypriniformes, 8
- Cyprinodontiformes, 1
- Elopomorpha, 1
- Gadiformes, 3
- Perciformes, 8
- Pleuronectiformes, 2
- Salmoniformes, 2
- Scorpaeniformes, 1
- Sharks, 5
- Siluriformes, 2
- Syngnathiformes, 1
- Tetraodontiformes, 1
Mammals, 147
編輯- Bats, 4
- Carnivora, 26
- 食肉目(10,419)⌗
- 熊(14,260)⌗
- 犬科(8,532)⌗
- 貓科(11,518)⌗
- 鬣狗科(673)⌗
- 獴科(7,526)⌗
- 鼬(485)⌗
- 浣熊科(4,769)⌗
- 臭鼬科(477)⌗
- 靈貓科(3,900)⌗
- Cetaceans, 9
- Erinaceids, 2
- Even-toed ungulates, 36
- 偶蹄目(9,139)⌗
- 反芻動物(548)⌗
- 牛科(729)⌗
- 駱駝(4,725)⌗
- 鹿(940)⌗
- 大羊駝(585)⌗
- 努比亞長頸鹿(19,717)⌗
- 原駝(659)⌗
- 河馬(662)⌗
- 西貒科(1,499)⌗
- 豬屬(622)⌗
- 叉角羚(4,762)⌗
- 小羊駝(958)⌗
- Lagomorphs, 4
- Marsupials, 6
- Monotremes, 3
- Odd-toed ungulates, 7
- Pilosa, 1
- Pinnipeds, 4
- Primates, 15
- Afrotheria, 7
- Rodents, 15
- 嚙齒目(1,939)⌗
- 水豚(722)⌗
- 海狸鼠(5,964)⌗
- 河狸(644)⌗
- 跳鼠科(5,787)⌗
- 睡鼠科(733)⌗
- 天竺鼠(729)⌗
- 倉鼠(3,197)⌗
- 土撥鼠(474)⌗
- 鼠屬(518)⌗
- 鼠科(485)⌗
- 麝鼠(696)⌗
- 大家鼠(703)⌗
- 松鼠(607)⌗
- 黃鼠屬(696)⌗
- Soricomorpha, 2
Reptiles, 19
編輯Vertebrata, others, 3
編輯Medical sciences, 291
編輯See also "Biology" for e.g. anatomy
General concepts, 66
編輯- 醫學(14,345)⌗
- 醫生(3,892)⌗s and other professionals
- 輸血(1,906)⌗
- 昏迷(352)⌗
- 殘廢(1,029)⌗
- 醫院(1,177)⌗
- 傷(729)⌗
- 麻醉(629)⌗
- 化療(5,602)⌗
- 睇症(981)⌗
- 器官移植(973)⌗
- 紓緩治療(529)⌗
- 電療(718)⌗
- 外科(1,676)⌗
- 人造器官(481)⌗
- 瘟疫(1,084)⌗
- 驗身(892)⌗
- 毒(666)⌗
- 動脈瘤(1,439)⌗
- 腦損傷(3,389)⌗
- 出血(2,749)⌗
- 心臟驟停(1,195)⌗
- 缺氧(315)⌗
- 發炎(696)⌗
- 心肌梗塞(1,998)⌗
- 呼吸衰竭(829)⌗
- 休克(1,143)⌗
- 中風(8,310)⌗
- 綜合症(940)⌗
- 徵狀(966)⌗
- 接種(862)⌗
Fields of medicine, 38
編輯Anatomy and Morphology, 77
編輯Animal anatomy and morphology, 68
編輯- Circulatory system, 7
- Gastrointestinal tract, 9
- Integumentary system, 8
- Muscular system, 3
- Nervous system, 18
- 神經系統(2,849)⌗
- 腦(193,129)⌗
- 神經線(9,294)⌗
- 感覺系統(1,195)⌗
- 聽覺系統(559)⌗
- 味覺系統(825)⌗
- 嗅覺系統(925)⌗
- 體覺(603)⌗
- 視覺系統(30,828)⌗
- 智能(108,784)⌗
- 聽覺(12,476)⌗
- 味(10,623)⌗
- 嗅覺(585)⌗
- 痛(1,724)⌗
- 視覺(76,975)⌗
- Reproductive system, 7
- Respiratory system, 3
- Skeletal system, 7
- Tissues, 4
- Urinary system, 2
Biological processes and Physiology, 4
編輯Health and fitness, 25
編輯Disease, 80
編輯- Disease, 17
- Cancer, 11
- Foodborne illness, 5
- Infectious disease, 38
- 傳染病(973)⌗
- 病原體(363)⌗
- 性病(3,541)⌗
- 炭疽(2,039)⌗
- 淋巴腺鼠疫(1,602)⌗
- 水痘(614)⌗
- 霍亂(377)⌗
- 傷風(5,173)⌗
- 武漢肺炎(85,718)⌗
- 登革熱(810)⌗
- 白喉(770)⌗
- 痢疾(463)⌗
- 腦炎(1,828)⌗
- 壞疽(2,039)⌗
- 伊波拉(4,766)⌗
- 手足口病(810)⌗
- 流行性感冒(1,987)⌗
- 麻瘋(585)⌗
- 萊姆病(1,798)⌗
- 發冷(8,873)⌗
- 麻疹(555)⌗
- 痄腮(562)⌗
- 百日咳(655)⌗ (Whooping Cough)
- 肺炎(3,297)⌗
- 小兒麻痺症(2,294)⌗
- 癲狗病(8,640)⌗
- 疥瘡(1,991)⌗
- 猩紅熱(211)⌗
- 天花(2,227)⌗
- 破傷風(862)⌗
- 肺癆(3,275)⌗
- 斑疹傷寒(1,843)⌗
- 黃熱病(3,408)⌗
- Mental illness, 9